Understanding classroom competence : the role of social-motivational and self-processes / Kathryn E. Wentzel Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: D ACDB32 (1). :
Socialization in school settings / Kathryn R. Wentzel, Lisa Looney Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: D GRUS1 (1). :
Handbook of motivation at school / ed. Kathryn R. Wentzel, Allan Wigfield Nível de parte analítica: Commentary : what can we learn from a synthesis of research on teaching, learning, and motivation? • Teacher's self-efficacy beliefs • Motivation and learning disabilities • Emotions at school • Motivation and achievement in physical education • Understanding motivation in mathematics : what is happening in classrooms? • Reading motivation • Beliefs about learning in academic domains • Commentary : the role o environment in contextual and social influences on motivation : generalities, specificities, and causality • Achievement motivation in racial and ethnic context • Gender and motivation • School as a context of student motivation and achievement • Teacher expectations and self-fulfilling prophecies • Peers and motivation • Students relationships with teachers as motivationaol contexts • Parenting and children's motivation at school • Commentary : building on a strong foundation : five pathways to the next level of motivational theorizing • Motives to self-regulate learning : a social cognitive account • Engagement and disaffection as organizational constructs in the dynamics of motivational development • Situational and individual interest • Promoting self-determined school engagement : motivation, learning, and well-being • Self-worth theory : retrospection and prospects • Self-theories and motivation : students beliefs about intelligence • Goal-directed behavior in the classroom • Achievement goal theory : the past, present and future • Expectancy-value theory • Self-efficacy theory • An attributional approach to motivation in schoolPublicação: New York : Routledge, 2009Descrição: 686 p.Disponibilidade: