A sua pesquisa recuperou 3 resultados.

Explorations in autism. a psycho-analytical study / e outros Donald Meltzer, co-aut. Jonh Bremner, co-aut. Shirley Hoxter, co-aut. Doreen Weddell, co-aut. Isca WittenbergNível de parte analítica: Residual autistic condition and its effect upon learning : piffie • Disturbed geography of the life-space in autism : barry • Primal depression in autism : john • Conclusion • Dimensionality as a parameter mental functioning : its relation to narcissistic organization • Relation of autism to obsessional mechanisms in general • Mutism in infantile autism, schizophrenia, and manic-depressive states : the correlation of clinical psycho-pathology... • Psychology of autistic states and of post-autistic mentality • Aims, scope and methods of the investigation • Autism proper : timmyPublicação: Oxford : Clunie, 1991Descrição: 250 p.Disponibilidade:

Explorations dans le monde de l'autisme: etude psychanalytique / Donald Meltzer, et al.Publicação: Paris : Payot, 1984Descrição: 266 p.Disponibilidade:

Disturbed geography of the life-space in autism : barry / Doreen WeddellDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: C3 MELT5 (1). :
