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A sua pesquisa recuperou 2 resultados.

Importance of male-male competition and sexually selected dimorphic traits for male reproductive success in ... / Patrizia Torricelli, co-aut. Marco Lugli, co-aut. Laura BobbioDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: ET RESERVADO (1). :

Behavioural ecology of fishes / compil. Felicity Huntingford ; co-aut. Patrizia TorricelliNível de parte analítica: Behavioural organisation and the evolution of behavioural strategies • Advantages of being red : sexual selection in the stickleback • Male competition, female mate choice and sexual size dimorphism in poeciliid fishes • Importance of male-male competition and sexually selected dimorphic traits for male reproductive success in ... • Sex role reversal in a pipefish • Behavioural causes and consequences of life history variation in fish • Behavioural inplications of intraspecific life history variation • Knowledge of proximate causes aids our understanding of function and evolutionary history • Puzzling paucity of feeding territories among freshwater fishes • Whether or not to defend? the influence of resource distribution • Morfhological constraints on behaviour through ontogeny : the inportance of developmental constraints • Factors affecting the behavioural mechanisms of diet selection in fishes • Choosing prey size : a comparison of static and dynamic foraging models for predicting prey choice by fish • Conflicting demands in gobies : when to eat, reproduce, and avoid predators • Learning interactions between prey and predator fish • Development of adaptative variation in predator avoidance in freshwater fishes • Evolution of adaptative variation in antipredator behaviour • Fish behavioral ecology : pros, cons and opportunities • Behaviour, ecology and teleost fishesPublicação: Chur : Harwood Academic Publishers, 1993Descrição: 326 p.Disponibilidade:
