Clinical obesity / compil. Peter Kopelman ; co-aut. Michael Stock Nível de parte analítica: Public health strategies and the economic costs of obesity • Benefits and risks of weight loss : obesity and weihgt cycling • Surgical treatment of obesity • Strategies for discovering drugs to treat obesity • Drug treatment of obesity : general principles and current therapies • Exercise and obesity • Cognitive-behavioural treatment of obesity • Dietary treatment of obesity • Clinical assessment, investigation and principles of management : realistic weight goals • Diabetes and obesity • Obesity in childhood • Pulmunary function, sleep apnoea and obesity • Obesity, infertility, contraception and pregnancy • Effects of obesity on cardiovascular system and blood pressure control, digestive disease and cancer • Obesity and lipoprotein metabolism • Effects of obesity on fat topography : metabolic and endocrine determinants • Substrate fluxes in skeletal muscle and white adipose tissue and their importance in the development of obesity • Energy expenditure in humans : the influence of activity, diet and the sympathetic nervous system • Food intake and eating behaviour in humans • Molecular genetics of obesity • Energy balance and animal models of obesity • Measuring body composition : from the laboratory to the clinic • Epidemiology : definition and classification of obesityPublicação: Oxford : Blackwell, 1988Descrição: 631 p.Disponibilidade: