A sua pesquisa recuperou 10 resultados.

When is seeing believing? / William MitchellNível de conjunto: Scientific American, Vol. 270, nº 2 (1994), p. 44-49Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: DR (1). :

Vitruvius computatus / William MitchellDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: S4 EDRA6 (1). :

Switching on the seven lamps / William MitchellDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: S4 EDRA1 (1). :

Polyomino assembly procedure for architectural floor planning / William Mitchell, co-aut. Robert DillonDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: S4 EDRA4 (1). :

Environmental design : research and practice. one. proceedings of the edra 3/ar 8 conference / compil. William MitchellNível de parte analítica: Descrimination by design : mobility barriers • Computer-aided procedure for design of environments for the age • Age group needs and their satisfaction : a case study of the east liberty renewal area, pittsburgh • Translating psycho-social criteria into design determinants • Analysis of behavioral requirements in office settings • Multi-level industrial building : a possible incentive for additional central city employment and industrial development • Using interviews of present office workers in planning new offices • Changes in employee attitudes and work practices in an office landscape • Original owner interview survey of frank lloyd wright's residential architecture • Architectural survey of how six families use space in their existing houses • Residential livability : a study of user attitude towards their residential environment • Families in public housing : a study of three localities in rockford, illinois • Concepts and methods for studying environments in use • Territory and status : the uses of environment within a communal society-synanson • Communal architecture and social structure • Psychological environment of university student residences • Behavioral mapping : the ecology of child behavior in a planned residential setting • Public housing environment : a new surprises • Student reactions to campus planning options : a regional comparison • Attitude changes after brief encounters with mental patients in residential and institutional environments • Patterns pf physical change in six existing hospitals • Coping and adapting to the high school environment • Observation of user activity patterns in open and traditional plan school environments • Development and implementations of environmental evaluation and redesign progress for a high school science department • Noise, distraction and privacy in conventional and open school environments • Alcoholism and architecture : the myth of specialized treatment facilities • Continuous flow transportation networks as new urban patterns • Urban path-choosing behavior : a study of environmental clues • Environmental quality of city streets : the residents' view point • Relating design to the motorist : an empirical viewpoint • Urban activity model • Square descriptive modeling of central courthouse square towns of the south central u.s. • Chandigarh : after 20 years • Evaluation and redesign of complex man-environment systems • Design-oriented approach to developmental needs : an operational framework relating activity patterns to environmental... • User-need studies ti improve building codes • Comparative effectiveness of design review in western europe • Role of research in the development of performance standards • Indicators for housing policy • Environmental indicators : an overview • Should the suburbs plead guilty? • Imaginative modes of perceiving the city : the architectural metaphor in twentieth century american literature • Detached house in the age of object and beyond • Environmental imagery : an overview and tentative orderling • Planning, design and black community style : the problem of occasion-adequate space • To be announced • Validity and reability of ratings of simulated buildings • Children's images of house : a prolegomena to the study of why people still want pitched roofs • Preference and the visual environment : complexity and some alternative • Dimensions of the visual environment : methodological considerations • Comparative analysis of affective responses to real and represented environments • Investigation of the relationship between construing of the environment and its physical form • Toward a set of semantic scales to measure the meaning of architectural environments • Measurement of children's preferences for the play environment • Play : theory and research • Pre-school child near environment : variable manipulation and evaluation • Evolution of space utilization patterns in a children's psychiatric hospital • Environments for the developing child • Behavior-environment congruence : a model of behavioral ecology • Context and consensus : the distribution of role agreement • Place and motivation : independence and compexity in patient behavior • Behavior settings : the structure of the treatment environment • Orientation to the research setting : texas institute for rehabilitation and research • Australian aborigines and the definition of place • Use of ethological methods in environmental analysis : a case study • Gross spatial motin of a social group within a complex environment • Using proxemic indicators and instruments to analyze classroom interaction, curriculum planning, curriculum implementati • Conceptions of self as individual orientations to the spatial environment • Methodological investigation of personal space • Social and personality correlates of personal space • Mapping the city : environmental cognition of urban residents • Modeling through toy play : a methodology for eliciting topographical representations in children • Home area concept in urban analysis : the use of cognitive mapping and computer procedures as methodological tools • Concept of home range : new data for the study of territorial behaviorPublicação: Stronosburg : Edra, 1972Descrição: 15-3-5 p.Disponibilidade:

Environment design : research and practice. two. proceedings of the edrab 3/ar 8 conference / compil. William MitchellNível de parte analítica: Methodological problems in environmental perception and behavior research • Elements of a genetic-structural theory of the development of environmental cognition • Some requirements for a theory of environmental cognition : an information processing view • Adaptation, structure, and knowledte : a biological perspectives • Conceptual issues in the study of environmental cognition : an introduction • Doughnut model of the environment and its design • Research and practice in architecture : bridging the gap • Knowledge and design • Highlands project : a university action/research group plans a new community • Designing to reinforce the mental image, an infant learning environment • Alligator learning experience children's strategies and approaches to a design problem • Status and trends in dissertation content and programs for doctoral studies in architecture • Multi-media education packages for promoting layman participation in environmental designs • Reside : a gaming method for improving environmental interaction • Design research strategy utilizing simulated health care procedures in an environmental mock-up unit • House design game • Life 3. the game life in three dimensions • Analytical structure of community public works decision processes • Developments in scientific application of photogrammetry to study of architecture and building science • Urban innovation through u-dig game • Analysis of building production drawings • Aids to improve the designer's control of cost and performance of buildings, and to speed the pre-contract and ... • Analysis of comprehensive planning reports • Computer augmented drafting system • Beginnings of a theory of environmental control • New methods and research in qualitative evaluation of architectural acoustics • Integrated environmental design of buildings • Multidimensional scaling for architectural environments • Homelab : integration of new concepts for the living unit • Normalization procedure in building methodology • Fosplan : a formal space planning language • Computer-aided hospital design • Mathematical evaluation and optimization of the three dimensional hospital layout problem • Computer model of the design progress that uses a concept of an apartment floorplan to solve layout problems • Polyomino assembly procedure for architectural floor planning • Floor plan layout by implicit enumeration • Sp-1 : a computerized model for store planning • Animals of architecture • General space planner : a system of computer-aided architectural design: user documentation • Comprospace : interactive computer graphics in the real world • Locating intermodal transportation terminals in metropolitan areas : a man-computer problem-solving approach • Graphics systems for computer-aided design • Improving design decisions : recommendations for a computer system for use by the british government • Evaluation of man-computer problem working systems • Machine-aided evaluation of alternative designs • Hunch : an experiment in sketch recognition • Increasing the utility of urban and regional models : a technique for the evaluation of the utility of a model of a major • Demonstration of the use of computer-aided land-use modeling for regional service system design • Land use controls : developmenp impact model • Computer-based socio-economic evaluation of new community proposals • Justifying diagnostic radiology an alternative to consensus planning • Pace 1 : an on-line design facility • Experiment in a computer-aided constraint-oriented approach to the design of home-units • Translating individual construction project information into the resources required for construction • Information systems for architectural programming • Compucon : computer aided information system for component construction • Data management techniques applied to people/activity relationships within the built environment • Community research. research commune? • Results of an initial field study of new techniques for citizen participation in educational facilities planning • Precipatory planning • Community design centers and the environmental protection act of 1969 • Transition to systems architecture • Cognitive persuasions : assumptions and presumptions • Group composition in urban planning : single discipline research and design/interdisciplinary research and design • Architectural values as a measure of design decision making : an empirical study using the conceptual framework of ... • Innovation in the design and management of public housing : a case study of applied research • Large scale planning module/unit theory design for hospiatals • Total system methodology which develops environments for corrections • Site planning process : activity allocation at the urban fringePublicação: Stronosburg : Edra, 1972Descrição: 31.1.4 p.Disponibilidade:

Differential effects of a misattribution manipulation on sexually functional and dysfunctional men / e outros Margaret Cranston-Cuebas, co-aut. David Barlow, co-aut. William Mitchell, co-aut. Robert AthanasiouNível de conjunto: Journal Of Abnormal Psychology, Vol. 102, nº 4 (1993), p. 525-533Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: R8 (1). :

Culturally constrasting therapeutic systems of the west Sepik : the Lujere / William E. MitchellDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: A WILL1 (1). :

Computer-aided approach to complex building layout problems / William MitchellDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: S4 EDRA2 (1). :

Automated generation of minimum energy cost building designs : a response of computer-aided design / William MitchellDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: DR (1). :
