A sua pesquisa recuperou 45 resultados.

Review of twins : a study of three pairs of identical twins by dorothy burlingham / Heinz HartmannDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: C2 PSC32 (1). :

Psychologie du moi / Heinz HartmannDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: C3 GRUN10 (1). :

Psychologie du moi / Heinz HartmannDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: C3 GRUN10 (1). :

Psychoanaysis and moral values / Heinz HartmannPublicação: New York : Int Univ Press, 1960Descrição: 121 p.Disponibilidade: Não há exemplares disponíveis :
Biblioteca ISPA Retirado temporariamenteCota: SEM COTA (1).

Psychoanalytic study of the child. vol 9 / compil. Ruth Eissler ; co-aut. Heinz Hartmann ; co-aut. Ernest Kris ; co-aut. Anna FreudNível de parte analítica: Observations on the psychology of borderline and psychotic children. report from a current psychotherapy research ... • Observations on the treatment of emotionally disturbed children in a therapeutic center • Technique of child therapy. a critical evaluation • Emotional components in arithmetical learning as seen through autobiographies • Some observations on mothers of children with intellectual inhibitions • Imaginary companion, representiong a prestage of the superego • Some discrepancies between perception and affect as illustrated bu children in wartime • Tales of the discovery of the secret treasure • First treasured possesion. a study of the part played by specially loved objects and toys in lives of certain children • Libidinal phases, ego development, and play • Motility in infants, children, and adults. patterning and psychodynamics • Early capacity for orgastic disharge and character formation • Self and the object world. vicissitudes of their infantile cathexes and their influence of ideational and affective ... • Problems of infantile neurosis • Psychoanalysis and educationPublicação: New York : Int Univ Press, 1954Descrição: 369 p.Disponibilidade:

Psychoanalytic study of the child. vol 8 / compil. Ruth Eissler ; co-aut. Heinz Hartmann ; co-aut. Ernest Kris ; co-aut. Anna FreudNível de parte analítica: Tragedy of humpty dumpty • Fairy tale and dream • Memories of early childhood in autobiographies • Changing pattern of transference in the analysis of an eleven-year-old girl • Treatment of a child with severe ego restriction in a therapeutic nursery • Fragment of an analysis of an obsessional child. the first six months of analysis • Loss and restitution • Certain severe disturbances of ego development in childhood • Notes on early ego disturbances • Some observations on disturbances of the ego in a case of infantile psychosis • Notes upon the emotionality of a schizophrenic patient and its relation to problems of technique • Contribution to the metapsychology of schizophrenia • Children's understanding of jokes • Form perception and imitation in some autistic children : diagnostic findings and their contextual interpretation • Mathematical illumination and the mathematical thought process. a contribution to the genetic development and ... • Adult empathy with children • Manifest oedipus complex in an adolescent girl • Certain relationships between fetishism and faculty development of the body image • Masturbation in the latency period • Some hypotheses on the role of the congenital activity type in personality development • Study of variations of early parental attitudes. a preliminary report • Some remarks on infant observationPublicação: New York : Int Univ Press, 1953Descrição: 412 p.Disponibilidade:

Psychoanalytic study of the child. vol 7 / compil. Ruth Eissler ; co-aut. Heinz Hartmann ; co-aut. Ernest Kris ; co-aut. Anna FreudNível de parte analítica: Use of psychoanalytic constructs in preventive psychiatry • Early child development in relation to degree of flexibility of maternal attitude • Notes on child rearing in america • Survey of learning difficulties in children • Discussion of technique used prepare young children for analysis • Child psychosis and schizophrenia. autistic and symbiotic infantile psychoses • Teasing and being teased : and the problem of moral masochism • Clinical notes on aggression in children • Sublimation in a group of four-year-old boys • Oedipal problem of a fatherless child • Critical neurosis a two-and-a-half-year-old girl • Masturbation and death or a compulsive cofession of masturbation • Emotional implications of tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy on children • Animal phobias in a two-year-old child • Separation anxiety in mother and child • Two-year-old goes to hospital • Role of bodily illness in the mental life of children • Mutual influences in the development of ego and id. discussants • Mutual influences in the development of ego and id. discussants • Mutual influences in the development of ego and id. discussants • Mutual influences in the development of ego and id. discussants • Mutual influences in the development of ego and id. introduction to the discussion • Mutual influences in the development of ego and id. earliest stages • Mutual influences in the development of ego and idPublicação: New York : Int Univ Press, 1952Descrição: 448 p.Disponibilidade:

Psychoanalytic study of the child. vol 6 / compil. Ruth Eissler ; co-aut. Heinz Hartmann ; co-aut. Ernest Kris ; co-aut. Anna FreudNível de parte analítica: Review of contributions to a psychoanalytic theory of adolescence • Psychoanalytic study of a religious initiation rite bar mitzvah • Phase in the development of children sense of humor • Enlightenment and confusion • Psychoanalytic material related to observations in early development • Clinical notes on the nature of transference in child analysis • Latency • Psychogenetic diseases in infant. an attempt at their etilogic classification • Precursors of some psychoanalytic ideas about children in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries • Case of childhood hallucinosis • Analysis of a severely disturbed three-and-a-half-year-old boy • Respiratory incorporation and the phallic phase • Problem of neurotic manifestation in children of preoedipal age • Experiment in group upbringing • Pediatric observations on masturbation in children • Some comments and observations on early autoerotic activities • Discussion of 1912 on masturbation and our present-day views • Masturbation • Notes on john i. a case of primal depression in an infant • Present trends in handling the mother-child relationshipduring the therapeutic processes • Observations on child development • Opening remarks on psychoanalytic child psychologyPublicação: New York : Int Univ Press, 1951Descrição: 398 p.Disponibilidade:

Psychoanalytic study of the child. vol 5 / compil. Ruth Eissler ; co-aut. Heinz Hartmann ; co-aut. Ernest Kris ; co-aut. Anna FreudNível de parte analítica: Mother as therapist, in a case of obsessional neurosis • Treatment of nightmares in a seven-year-old boy • Mother in the consulting room. notes on the psychoanalytic treatment of two young children • Delinquency and morality • Some variants in moral training of children • Sleep disturbances of early childhood • Cover memories in formation • Rooming-in research project. development of methodology of parent-child relationship study in a clinical setting • Effects of extreme deprivation in infancy on psychic structure in adolescence : a study in ego development • Structural aspects of a case of schizophrenia • Masturbation and its influence on general development • Development of the wish for a child in boys • Special problems of early female sexual development • Ego-psychological implications of the psychoanalytic treatment of delinquents • Comments on the psychoanalytic theory of the ego • Relevancy of direct infant observation • Clinical contribution to early ego development • Conflict and autonomous ego development during the phallic phase • Notes on the development and on some current problems of psychoanalytic child psychology • Development of the body ego • Psychoanalysis and developmental psychologyPublicação: New York : Int Univ Press, 1950Descrição: 410 p.Disponibilidade:

Psychoanalytic study of the child. vol 3/4 / compil. Anna Freud ; co-aut. Heinz Hartmann ; co-aut. Ernest KrisNível de parte analítica: Child psychiatry in the 1830's : three little homocidal monomaniacs • Feeding problems of psychogenic origin • Riots. observation in a home for delinquent girls • Some remarks on the psychic structure and social care of a certain type of female juvenile delinquents • Neurosis and home background. preliminary report • Methods used in the education of mothers. a contributions to the handling and treatment of developmental difficulties .. • Analysis of a case of recurrent ulcer of the leg • Psychoanalytic aspects of school problems • Physical symptoms in emotionally disturbed children • Unusual sensitivities in very young children • Psychoanalysis of a psychotic child • Psychoanalytic evaluation of tic in psychopathology of children. symptomatic and tic syndrome • Sublimation and sexualization. a case report • Observation of a phobia • Analysis of psychogenei constipation in a two-year-old child • Analysis of a phobic child. some problems of theory and technique in child analysis • Dreams in children of preschool age • Reactions of infants to stress. a report of clinical observations • Autoerotism. some empirical findings and hypotheses on three of its manifestations in the first year of life • Contribution to the study of screen memories • Relationship of twins to each other • Mouth, hand and ego-integration • Aggression • Aggression in relation to emotional development : normal and pathological • Notes on the theory of aggressionPublicação: New York : Int Univ Press, 1949Descrição: 493 p.Disponibilidade:

Psychoanalytic study of the child. vol 2 / compil. Anna Freud ; co-aut. Heinz Hartmann ; co-aut. Ernest KrisNível de parte analítica: J. b. felix descuret • Incentives to development and means of early education • Ego development historical change. clinical notes • Psychoanalytic orientation in child guidance work in great britain • Analytic depression. an inquiry into the genesis of psychiatric conditions in early childhood, ii • Diaries of adolescent schizophrenics, hebephrenics • Contribution to the problem of psychoses in childhood • Headline intelligence • Case of superego disintegration • Experiences with enuretics • Hysterical twilight states in an eight-year-old child • Analysis of a case of night terror • Psychoanalytic contributions to the problems of reading disabilities • Psychogenetic tic in ego development • Psychoanalytic study of infantile feeding disturbance • Hospitalism. a follow-up report on investigation described in volume i, 1945 • Child's ego development and the training of adults in his environment • Pre-oedipal phase in the development of the male child • Twins. observations of environmental inflluences on their development • Child's laughter. theoretical and clinical notes on the function of the comic • Comments on the formation of psychic structurePublicação: New York : Int Univ Press, 1946Descrição: 424 p.Disponibilidade:

Psychoanalytic study of the child. vol 19 / compil. Ruth Eissler ; co-aut. Heinz Hartmann ; co-aut. Ernest Kris ; co-aut. Anna FreudNível de parte analítica: Analysis of a boy with transvestite tendencies. a contribution to the genesis and dynamics of transvestitism • Development of a preschool symbiotic boy • Parents' role in the etiology of learning disabilities • Clinical contribution to the study of narcissism in infancy • Death of a six-year-old's mother during his analysis • Study of the reactions of nursery school children to the death of a child's mother • Reactions to the death of a mother • Death and the young child. some preliminary considerations • Brief communication on children's reactions to the assassination of the president • Genetic view of affects. with special refernce to the genesis of helpessness and holpelessness • Some observations of maturational factors in young children and adolescents • Development of artistic stylization. a two-year evolution in the drawings of a normal child • Autoerotism, autoerotic, and ego development • Arrest in development, fixation, and regression • Ego ideal and pseudo ego ideal in adolescence • Dynamic determinants in oral fixation • Studies in the ego development of the congenitally blind child • Hearing and its role in the development of the blind • Variations of archaic thinking in neurotics, borderline patients, and schizophrenics • Some hypotheses regarding the significance of individual differences at birth for later development • Remarks on genesis structuralization, and functioning of the mind • Concept formation in psychoanalysisPublicação: New York : Int Univ Press, 1964Descrição: 493 p.Disponibilidade:

Psychoanalytic study of the child. vol 18 / compil. Ruth Eissler ; co-aut. Heinz Hartmann ; co-aut. Ernest Kris ; co-aut. Anna FreudNível de parte analítica: Search for a sexual identity in a case of constitutional sexual precocity • Attempt to formulate the meaning of the concept borderline • Severe neurosis in an adolescent boy • Treatment of a dying patient • Developmental profile. notes on some practical considerations regarding its use • Analysis of a young concentration camp victim • Self-representation and the development of accident proneness in children and adolescents • Notes on the psychoanalytic concept of cure • Study of identical twins. their analytic material compared with existing observation data of their early childhood • Striving for autonomy and regressive object relationships • Aspects of pssivity and ego development in the blind infant • Studies of the separation-individuation phase. a methodological overview • Thoughts about development and individuation • Concept of cumulative trauma • Problem of motivation in the educator's vocational choice • Concept of developmental lines • Patterns of infantile experience and the developmental process • Aspects of the metapsychology of fantasy • Ego ideal and ideal self • Structural problems in intrapsychic conflict • Scope of intrapsychic conflict. microscopic and macroscopic considerations • Some issues in contemporary psychoanalytic research • Primary gain and secondary gainPublicação: New York : Int Univ Press, 1963Descrição: 662 p.Disponibilidade:

Psychoanalytic study of the child. vol 17 / compil. Ruth Eissler ; co-aut. Heinz Hartmann ; co-aut. Ernest Kris ; co-aut. Anna FreudNível de parte analítica: Causarie on henry james's the turn of the screw • Evocation of a proxy. a psychological maneuver, its use as a defense its purposes and genesis • Development of a preoedipal partnership between an adolescent girl and her mother • Psychology of childhood tonsillectomy • Ego synthesis of a life-threatening illness in childhood • Visual hallucinoses in young children • Patterns of aggression in school phobia • Autoerotism re-examined. the role of early sexual behavior patterns in personality formation • Maternal stimulation, psychic structure, and early object relations. with special reference to aggression and denial • Mothering as an influence on early development. a study of well-baby clinic records • Defense, symptom, and character • Decline and recovery in the life of a three-year-old or data in psychoanalytic perspective on the mother-child... • Hampstead nursery follow-up studies. 1. sudden separation and its effect followed over twenty years • Assessment of childhood disturbances • Concept of the representational world • Classification of superego material in the hampstead index • Ego ideal and superego • Blidness and isolation • Notes on the superego • Metapsychology of the preconscious. a tentative contribution to psychanalytic morphologyPublicação: New York : Int Univ Press, 1962Descrição: 493 p.Disponibilidade:

Psychoanalytic study of the child. vol 16 / compil. Ruth Eissler ; co-aut. Heinz Hartmann ; co-aut. Ernest Kris ; co-aut. Anna FreudNível de parte analítica: Considerations of the development treatment of autistic childhood psychosis • Termination of treatment as a loss • Mourning and the birth of a defective child • Study of loss reactions in a seven-year-old • Six-year-old who began to see. emotional sequalae of operation for congenital bilateral cataract • Regression and restitution in object loss. clinical observations • Dread of abandonment. a contribution of the etiology of the loss complex and to depression • Behavior disorder and ego development in a brain-injured child • Leg amputation in a four-year-old. reactions of the child, her family, and the staff • It isn't fair. the treatment of a blind child • Sadness and grief in infancy and childhood. loos and restoration of the symbiotic love object • Reflections on depression • Problems in identification and ego development in twins • Simultaneous analysis of a pair of identical twins and the twinning reaction • Some aspects of transference resistance in prepuberty • Discussion of dr. anthony's paper • Study of screen sensations • Note on dr. max schur's comments on grief and mouring in infancy and early childhood • Effects of deprivation on institutionalized infants. disturbances in development of relationship to inanimate objects • Some thoughts about the role of verbalization in early childhood • Adolescent moods and the remodeling of psychic structures in adolescence • Some observations on the development and disturbances of integration in childhood • Some notes on the development of the blind • Synthesis and fragmentation • Perception, reality testing, and symbolism • Appendix b. glossary of defenses • Appendix a. outline of variables • Study of the psychological processes in pregnancy and of the earliest mother-child relationship. ii. methodological ... • Study of the psychological processes in pregnancy and of the earliest mother-child relationship. i. some proposition...Publicação: New York : Int Univ Press, 1961Descrição: 563 p.Disponibilidade:

Psychoanalytic study of the child. vol 15 / compil. Ruth Eissler ; co-aut. Heinz Hartmann ; co-aut. Ernest Kris ; co-aut. Anna FreudNível de parte analítica: Psychiatric implications of temporal lobe damage • Analysis of a boy with a cogenital deformity • Comments on the psychological consequences of cryptorchism. a clinical study • Simultaneous analysis of mother and her adolescent daughter. the mother's contribution to the loosening the infantile... • Simultaneous analysis of mother and child • Fantasies of a borderline patient • One-parent child and his oedipal development • Treatment of a three-year-old girl's severe infantile neurosis. stammering and insect phobia • Hair pulling and fetishism • Functional impairment of the sensorium as a result of normal adaptive processes • Pathologic forms of self-esteem regulation • Distortions of the phallic phase • Further notes of fetishism • Loving and beloved superego in freud's structural theory • Concept of superego • Intrauterine and early infantile motility • Adolescence • Discussion of dr. bowlby's paper • Discussion of dr. john bowlby's paper • Discussion of dr. john bowlby's paper • Grief and mourning in infancy and early childhoodPublicação: New York : Int Univ Press, 1960Descrição: 481 p.Disponibilidade:

Psychoanalytic study of the child. vol 14 / compil. Ruth Eissler ; co-aut. Heinz Hartmann ; co-aut. Ernest Kris ; co-aut. Anna FreudNível de parte analítica: Daydreams-and children's favorite books. psychoanalytic comments • Miracled-up world of schreber's childhood • Schreber's hereafter. its building-up, aulbau and its downfall • Notes on the environment of a genius • Nursery school as a diagnostic help to the child guidance clinic • Study of a dwarf • Infantile precursors of the influencing machine • Countertransference in the residential treatment of children. treatment failure in a child with a symbolic psychosis • Reversibility of pathological fixations associated with maternal deprivation in infancy • Boy's view of jesus • Exceptions. an elaboration of freud's character study • Clinical studies in psychoanalysis. research project of the hampstead child-therapy clinic • Some considerations of the psychological processes in pregnancy • Self, the sense of self, and perception • Play in relation to creative imagination • Isolation • Metapsychology of narcissismPublicação: New York : Int Univ Press, 1959Descrição: 433 p.Disponibilidade:

Psychoanalytic study of the child. vol 13 / compil. Ruth Eissler ; co-aut. Heinz Hartmann ; co-aut. Ernest Kris ; co-aut. Anna FreudNível de parte analítica: Shaw's childhood and pygmalion • Relation of the impostor to the artist • Notes on the development of empathy • Early auditory experiences, beating fantasies, and primal scene • Clinical observations on the visual problem in reading disability • Depression in a six-year-old boy with acute poliomyelitis • Effect of severe trauma on a four-year-old child • Genesis of superego components • Preoedipal phase of the male • Viscissitudes of superego functions and superego percursors in childhood • Character formation representing the integration of unusual conflict solutions into the ego structure • Comments on the psychoanalytic psychology of adolescence • Borderline states in childhood and adolescence • Adolescence • Notes on problems of technique in the psychoanalytic treatment of adolescents. with some remarks on perversions • Ego and the id in anxiety • Pain, fear, and anxiety. a study in their interrelationships • Comments on the scientific aspects of psychoanalysis • Child observation and prediction of development, by anna freud, discussion • Child observation and prediction of development, by anna freud, discussion • Child observation and prediction of development, by anna freud, discussion • Child observation and prediction of development. a memorial lecture in honor of ernest kris • Influences of early mother-child interaction on identification processes, by samuel ritvo and albert solnit, discussion • Influences of early mother-child interaction on identification processes, by samuel ritvo and albert solnit, discussion • Influences of early mother-child interaction on identification processes, by samuel ritvo and albert solnit, discussion • Influences of early mother-child interaction on identification processes • Report of the gifted adolescent project, by leo s. loomie, victor rosen, martin h. stein, discussion • Report of the gifted adolescent project, by leo s. loomie, victor rosen, martin h. stein, discussion • Report of the gifted adolescent project, by leo s. loomie, victor rosen, martin h. stein, discussion • Ernest kris and the gifted adolescent project • Family romance of the artist, by phyllis greenacre, discussion • Family romance of the artist, by phyllis greenacre, discussion • Family romance of the artist, by phyllis greenacre, discussion • Family romance of the artistPublicação: New York : Int Univ Press, 1958Descrição: 573 p.Disponibilidade:

Psychoanalytic study of the child. vol 12 / compil. Ruth Eissler ; co-aut. Heinz Hartmann ; co-aut. Ernest Kris ; co-aut. Anna FreudNível de parte analítica: Childhood and legacy of stanislavski • Seeing the salamander • Changes in identification from machine to cripple • Delinquency, a defense against loss of objects and reality • Neurosis in adolescence • Motility in the therapy of children and adults • Some aspects of psychoanalytic technique in adolescence • Treatment of under-fives by way of their parents • Preoedipal factors in the etiology of female delinquency • Inconsistency in the mother as a factor in character development : a comparative study of three cases • Earliest dreams of a young child • Use of prediction in a longitudinal study • Anxiety related to the discovery of the penis. an observation • Psychic energy and mechanisms of defense • Some thoughts on interpretation in the theory and practice of psychoanalysis • Defense and development : normal and pathological • Normal and pathological moods : their nature and functions • Childhood of the artist. libidinal phase development and giftedness • Nature and development of the concept of repression in freud's writings • Ernest kris, 1900-1957Publicação: New York : Int Univ Press, 1957Descrição: 417 p.Disponibilidade:

Psychoanalytic study of the child. vol 11 / compil. Ruth Eissler ; co-aut. Heinz Hartmann ; co-aut. Ernest Kris ; co-aut. Anna FreudNível de parte analítica: Analysis of a juvenile poem • School's role in promoting sublimation • Mothers's observations on the tonsillectomy of her four-year-old daughter. comments • Mothers's observations on the tonsillectomy of her four-year-old daughter • Effect of extreme passivity imposed on a boy in early childhood • Clinical observations on the little man phenomenon • Relationship pf psychologic state and epileptic activity. psychoanalytic observations on an epileptic child • Clinical contribution to problem of early mother-child relationship. some discussion of influence on self-destructive... • Ego disturbance in a young child • Observations on the psychotherapy of borferline and psychotic children • Some evidences of deviational development in infancy and early childhood • Development of maternal feelings in early childhood. observations and reflections • Maternal overstimulation and ego defects • Ego deviation and the concept of schizophrenia • Unusual variations in drive endowment • Approach to the relation between concept and content in psychoanalytic theory, with special reference to the work ... • Rudiments of the ego • Recovery of childhood memories in psychoanalysis • Notes on the reality principle • Experiences of awe in childhoodPublicação: New York : Int Univ Press, 1956Descrição: 470 p.Disponibilidade:
