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Behavioral basis of design. book 2 - sessin summaires and papers / compil. Peter Suedfeld ; co-aut. James Russell ; co-aut. Lawrence Ward ; co-aut. Francoise Szigeti ; co-aut. Geral Davis

Ligado a: Developing behavioral accountability in architects : behavioral and social sciences in a team-taught building design ...Ligado a: Pedagogical evaluation of a behavior based design methodologyLigado a: Residential energy consumption : socio-physical determinants of energy use single family dwellingsLigado a: Children's urban landscapes in hustington hills, calgaryLigado a: Studying preferences, behavior, and design influences in a university libraryLigado a: What do you say to a naked stranger : the effects of privacy, personal space intrusion on escape and helpingLigado a: Social determinants of the design of housing for the elderlyLigado a: House form and culture revisitedLigado a: House form and social identityLigado a: Abstract form and meaning : a pilot studyLigado a: Comparison of factor analysis and multidimensional scaling to analyse semantic differential and construct eliciting dataLigado a: Strathclyde location test : a projective technique for eliciting the constructs of spatial division of an experienced...Ligado a: Measuring human life safetyLigado a: Parochial views pf problems : public perception of environmental quality in san diegoLigado a: Urban crowding : theoretical approaches and implications for designLigado a: Intimacy-arousal model of crowdingLigado a: Methodologies for evaluation in environments and agingLigado a: Environmental research, environmental design, and the applicability gapLigado a: Simulation gaming format for the cross-cultural examination of social organizationLigado a: Playground design simulationLigado a: Social organization and behaviorLigado a: Game demonstration workshopLigado a: Architectural journalists said about edra researchLigado a: Environmental awareness techniques, eats, workshopLigado a: Production a new manpower in architectural/environmental psychologyLigado a: Teaching and learning a link : environmental programming and designLigado a: Moderator's summaryLigado a: Behavioral and social sciences in a team taught building design studio : developing accountability in building designersLigado a: Developing acceptance for the environmental? behavior paradigmLigado a: Pedagogical evaluation of a behavior based design methodologyLigado a: Developing awareness and design skill through direct experienceLigado a: Existing places as a bases for designLigado a: Role of self in architectural design educationLigado a: Space, the inner ear, and basic designLigado a: Body images theoryLigado a: Role of environmental psychology in basic design educationLigado a: Designing research for environmental change in children's settingsLigado a: Child's creative learning spaceLigado a: Environmental psychology applicable to this ageLigado a: Experimental model infant environmentLigado a: Inner and outer world of childrenLigado a: Environmental psychologistLigado a: First three years of life : the roots of environmental design researchLigado a: Children and youth in the planning and design processLigado a: Physical design and the open classroomLigado a: Participation and school learningLigado a: Re-tooling societyLigado a: Participation : making it meaningfulLigado a: Levels of authority and the concepts of autonomy and heteronomyLigado a: Provision of housing for the navajoLigado a: Beyond the need for shelter : the need for appropriate shelterLigado a: Towards better person-environment relations : the changing relationship of women and men to the environmentLigado a: User-oriented programming of facilities : workshop summaryLigado a: Post construction evaluation : a hard look at a seductive ideaLigado a: Space use and behavior in an open plan school : a case study in interdisciplinary communicationLigado a: Who'll take an architectural risk?Ligado a: Need trust in the design processLigado a: Whale is comingLigado a: Stair safetyLigado a: Search for scientist base for design led to birth and first year of lifeLigado a: Experiment into realityLigado a: Environmental characteristics planningLigado a: Workshop on fantasy and physical formLigado a: Interface between environmetal design and applied behavior analysisLigado a: Programming and environmental analysis in practiceLigado a: Creating a supportive environment for the elderlyLigado a: Hospital design researchLigado a: S.a.r., stichting architecten research, methodology and summary of urban tissue studies related to habraken's support...Ligado a: Design problem in search of a solutionLigado a: Practical applications of ecological psychology methodsLigado a: Privacy : current theory and researchLigado a: Social impact assessment in cross-cultural perspective : workshop summaryLigado a: Decision theory applied to environmental design : multi-attribute utility theory for architectural evaluationLigado a: Translating psychological research into design criteria : the practitioner's perspectiveLigado a: Determinants of perceived crowding and pleasantness in public placesLigado a: Amelioration of crowding through design decisionsLigado a: Urban crowding : theoretical approaches and implications for designLigado a: Applied research perspective on crowdingLigado a: Density, personal control, and designLigado a: Designing for high-densityLigado a: Role of the ministry of state for urban affairs, msua, and the central mortgage and housing corporation, cmhc, in ....Ligado a: Analysis and organization of human residential space transaction theory and researchLigado a: Application : information/presentationLigado a: Application : observation macro-behavior and milieuLigado a: Application : observation quantitative and qualitativeLigado a: Application : observation of macro-behaviorLigado a: Application : observation of microbehaviorLigado a: Application : coastal quality simulationLigado a: Application : environmental simulatorLigado a: Video and film applications in environmental design researchLigado a: Meaning in architecture : some theoretical issuesLigado a: Evaluation research in environments and aging : symposium summaryLigado a: Cognitive representations : research and implications for designLigado a: Cognitive representations : what are implications for design?Ligado a: Environment-behavior researcher as the expert witness in courtLigado a: Behavioral science to environmental policyLigado a: Where is the behavioral scientist going from here?Ligado a: Role of the architect : and his futureLigado a: Role of technology and the role of the userLigado a: Lack of a conceptual frameworkLigado a: Illusions and realitiesLigado a: Where de we go from here?Ligado a: Bridging : from theory and research into designLigado a: Toward a sustainable society in a sustainable environmentLigado a: New design concepts? professional roles and the existence of built environmentsLigado a: New experimental aesthetics and environmental psychologyLigado a: Comments from the audience : a down-under report on edra-7Ligado a: Bridging the gapAutor secundário: Suedfeld, Peter;Russell, James;Ward, Lawrence;Szigeti, Francoise;Davis, GeralPublicação: Stroudsburg : Dowden, Hutchinton e Ross, 1977Descrição: 343 p.Assunto - Nome comum: Psicologia Ambiental Classificação: 4000 - Psicologia Ambiental Recursos em linha:Clicar aqui para aceder online Tipo de documento:
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Livro Livro Biblioteca ISPA S4 EDRA15 Disponível 7724

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