A sua pesquisa recuperou 3 resultados.

Testosterone metabolism and sexual differentiation in quail / J. Balthazart, co-aut. M. SchumacherDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: ET BALT1 (1). :

Neuroanatomical distribution and variations across the reproductive cycle of aromatase activity and ... / e outros A. Foidart, co-aut. B. Silverin, co-aut. M. Baillien, co-aut. N. Harada, co-aut. J. BalthazartNível de conjunto: Hormones And Behaviour, Vol. 33, nº 3 (1998), p. 180-196Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: R2 (1). :

Hormones and behaviour in higher vertebrates / eds. J. Balthazart ; E. Prove ; R. GillesNível de parte analítica: Reproductive behaviour in hens • Specific short-latency effects of oestradiol, testosterone on distractibility, memory formation in young domestic chick • Biparental care in birds : mechanisms controlling incubation bout duration • Reproductive physioloogy and the defence of genetic paternity in the ring dove, streptopelia risoria • Hormones and brain mechanisms of vocal behaviour in non-vocal learning birds • Behavioural self-feedback control of endocrine states • Control of male sexual behaviour in the canadian red-sided garter snake • Population endocrinology of the female pied flycatcher, ficedula hypoleuca • Prolactin in avian reproductive cycles • Hormonal correlates of behavioural development in male zebra finches • Sexual behaviour and endocrine changes during reproductive maturation and aging in the avian male • Social factors controlling puberty in the female mouse • Control of sexual behaviour in the female hamster • Male-female interaction in the hamster : seasonal and hormonal effects • Exposure to odour during development and hypothalamic of testosterone • Hormones and different tests for aggression with particular reference to the effects of testosterone metabolites • Hormonal specificity and activation of social behaviour in the male zebra finch • Hormone-mediated behavioural transitions : a role for brain aromatase • Testosterone metabolism and sexual differentiation in quail • Brain testosterone metabolism and sexual behaviour in birds • Sex steroids and the differentiation and activation of avian reproductive behaviour • Hormone-dependent brain development and behaviour • Hormonal influence on sexual differentiation of rat brain anatomy • Reproductive neuroendocrine rhytms • Interaction of circulating oestrogens and androgens in regulating mammalian sexual deifferentiation • Genetic determinants of sexual deifferentiation • Acth and grooming behaviour in the rat • Endorphin-monoamine interaction and steroid-dependent behaviour • Potency and fertility : hormonal and mechanical causes and effects of penile actions in rats • Brain mechanisms of maternal behaviour in rat • Cholinergic regulation of feminine sexual behaviour in laboratory rats • Catechol oestrogens : their contraceptive effects and possible involvement in some reproductive processes of the rat • Diurnal variations in thye sensitivity of the brain to oestrogens : behavioural and biochemical studies • Mechanisms of oestrogen-progestin interactions in the regulation of lordosis in female guinea piggs • Sites of action of ovarian hormones in the regulation of oestrous responsiveness in ratsPublicação: Berlin : Springer-verlag, 1983Descrição: 489 p.Disponibilidade:
