What is applied psychoanalysis? / Aaron Esman Nível de conjunto: International Journal Of Psycho-analysis, Vol. 79, nº 4 (1998), p. 741-756Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: R9 (1). :
Troubles de l'humeur a l'adolescence / Aaron Esman Nível de conjunto: Psychiatrie De L'enfant, Vol. 33, nº 1 (1990), p. 93-111Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: DR (1). :
Three books by and about winnicott / Esman Aaron Nível de conjunto: International Journal Of Psycho-analysis, Vol. 71, nº 4 (1990), p. 695-699Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: R9 (1). :
Quelques allures masculines exagerees / Aaron Esman Nível de conjunto: Adolescence, Vol. 6, nº 1 (1988), p. 37-41Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: DR (1). :
Psychoanalytic study of society. volume vi / compil. Warner Muensterberger ; co-aut. Aaron Esman Nível de parte analítica: Theory of the plus-value of power and the method of its demystification • Psychocultural significance of the alaska athabascan potlatch ceremony • Origins of nonviolence : aggression in two canadian eskimo groups • Man who turned into a water monster : a psychoanalytic contribution to folklore • Psychopathology and creativity • Transitional fantasies and the creative process • Two kinds of symbolism in gothic ivory casket • Creativity and art. idealization and catharsisPublicação: New York : Int Univ Press, 1975Descrição: 324 p.Disponibilidade:
Psychoanalytic study of society. volume v / compil. Warner Muensterberger ; co-aut. Aaron Esman Nível de parte analítica: Grumus merdae of black bart, the california highwayman • Mythopoiesis and the primal scene • Depressive themes in the graphic work of odilon redon • Some technical aspects of applied psychoanalysis • Differentiation of time and objects : a cross-cultural and longitudinal approach to an examination of the concept of... • Day of a psychoanalyst at woodstock • Crucible of ambivalence : sexual identity in the ghetto • Tahiti, sin, and the question of integration between personality and sociocultural systems • Effects of acculturation on the vicissitudes of the aggressive drive among the apaches of the mescalero indian ... • On freud's provision of therapeutic frame. discussion of jean pouillon's -doctor and patient : same and/or the other? • Doctor and patient : same and/or the other? ethnological remarksPublicação: New York : Int Univ Press, 1972Descrição: 258 p.Disponibilidade:
Psychoanalytic study of society. volume iv / compil. Warner Muensterberger ; co-aut. Aaron Esman Nível de parte analítica: Shaman and incubus • Transfoemation of frederick the great. a psychoanalytic study • Psyche and tuberculosis : the libido organization of franz kafka • Some influences of acculturation on the personality traits of the old people of the mescalero and chiricahua apaches • Some aspects of the intrapsychic structure of certain american negroes as viewed in the intercultural dynamic • Hazards of culture clash. a report on the history and dynamics of a psychotic episode in a west african exchange student • Depression among the yoruba • Primal sene experience in human evolution and its phantasy derivatives in art, proto-science and philosophy • Totem and taboo : a reappraisalPublicação: New York : Int Univ Press, 1967Descrição: 350 p.Disponibilidade:
Psychoanalytic study of society. volume iii / compil. Warner Muensterberger ; co-aut. Aaron Esman Nível de parte analítica: Undifferentiated matrix of artistic imagination • Some dynamics of unconscious and symbolic communication in present-day television • Crusaders • Is the oedipus complex universal? the jones-malinowski debate revisited and a south italian nuclear complex • Psychological problems of a group of apaches : alcoholic hallucinosis and latent homosexuality among typical men • Ego and orality in the analysis of west africans • Western tribes of central australia : the alknarintja • Alteration of folk songs by frequent singing. a contribution to the psychology of folk poetry • Some ontogenetic determinants in symbol formation • Remarks on the function of mythology • Ego psychological, myth and rite : remarks about the relationship of the individual and the group • Ego-psychological implications of a religious symbol : a cultural and experimental study • On interpreting the oedipus plays • Madonna's conception through the eyes • Mythology and ego psychology. introductory remarksPublicação: New York : Int Univ Press, 1964Descrição: 408 p.Disponibilidade:
Psychoanalytic study of society. volume ii / compil. Warner Muensterberger ; co-aut. Aaron Esman Nível de parte analítica: Dreams of a chinese patient • Adult reactions to preferred childhood stories. a finnish-american comparison • Psychological themes in zuni mythology and zuni tat's • Remarks on the personality of shamans. with special reference to the apache of the mescalero indian reservation • Western tribes of central australia : childhood • Psychoanalytic comments on modern theater • Creative process. its relation to object loss and fetishism • Daughters who tend their fathers. a literacy survey • Infant care and personality reconsidered. a rejoinder to orlansky • Bereavement reaction : a special case of separation anxiety sociocultural considerations • Needs, gratifications, and the vicissitudes of the self-representation. developmental concept of psychic object ...Publicação: New York : Int Univ Press, 1962Descrição: 317 p.Disponibilidade:
Psychoanalytic study of society. volume i / compil. Warner Muensterberger ; co-aut. Aaron Esman Nível de parte analítica: Development of ethical monotheism • Role of the mother in the development of hebraic monotheism. as exemplified is the life of abraham • Origins of culture : cooper and freud • Creative impulse : biologic and artistic aspects. report of a case • Evolution of an active anti-negro racist • Pibloktoq, hysteria, among the polar eskimo. an ethnopsychiatric study • Primitive therapy. cross-cultural study of the relationship between child training and therapeutic practices related... • Cross-cultural study of the relationship between values and modal conscience • Efficient soldier • Totalitarian ideology as a defense technique • Characteristics of totalitarianismPublicação: New York : Int Univ Press, 1960Descrição: 384 p.Disponibilidade:
Piet mondrian : the fusion of art and life / Aaron Esman Nível de conjunto: Psychoanalysis And Contemporary Thought, Vol. 17, nº 2 (1994), p. 325-344Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: R9 (1). :
Mozart : a study in genius / Aaron Esman Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: C3 FEDE/S1A (1). :
Mid-adolescence : foundations for later psychopathology / Aaron Esman Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: C3 GREE/S4 (1). :
Essential papers on transference / compil. Aaron Esman Nível de parte analítica: Changes in psychoanalytic ideas : transference interpretation • Ego psychology : object relations theory approach to the transference • Presence of the analyst • Psychoanalytic treatment of narcissitic personality disorders : outline of a systematic approach • Transference interpretations only? • Transference neurosis : comments on the concept and the phenomenon • Interpretation of transference and the conditions for loving • Unobjectionable part of the transference • Analysis of the transference • Notes on transference : universal phenomenon and hardest part of analysis • Psychoanalytic situation and transference : postscript to an earlier communication • Transference problems in schizophrenics • Transference phenomenon in psychoanalytic therapy • On transference • Origins of transference • Transference and reality • Development of the transference • Working alliance, therapeutique alliance, and transference • Working alliance and the transference neurosis • Current concepts of transference • Role of transference : practical considerations in relation to psychoanalytic therapy • Contribution to the subject of transference-resistance • Transference • Transference • Dynamics of the dissolution of the transference resistance • Nature of the therapeutique action of psycho-analysis • Observations on transference-love. further recommendations on the technique of psychoanalysis iii • Dynamics of transference • Introjection and transferencePublicação: New York : New York University, 1990Descrição: 540 p.Disponibilidade: