As origens do universo, da vida, do homem / ed. U.C.P. ; Jose De Freitas Ferreira, Henrique Noronha Galvao, Jose Carvalho Soares, Joao Resina Rodrigues, Luis Archer Nível de parte analítica: Encerramento da semana • Representacao de deus para o homem de ciencia • Pedagogia da ciencia e pedagogia da fe • Fenomeno humano e a sua problematica moral • Pecado original • Teologia da criacao • Leituras actuais do genesis em alguns grups cristaos • Causalidade divina do homem e do universo • Biblia e a criacao • Origem do homem. insercao e emergencia • Estrutura do fenomeno humano • Problema cientifico da origem da vida terrestre • Estrutura do fenomeno vital • Origem e evolucao do universo • Estrutura da materia • Origens : perspectivas cientificas e teologicas. introducao • ApresentacaoPublicação: Lisboa : Universidade Catolica Portuguesa, 1985Descrição: 242 p.Disponibilidade:
Advances in the study of behavior. volume 21 / compil. Peter Slater ; co-aut. Jay Rosenblatt ; co-aut. Colin Beer ; co-aut. Manfred Milinski Nível de parte analítica: On the nature and evolution of imitation in the animal kingdom : reappraisal of a century of research • Motor aspects of masculine sexual behavior in rats and rabbits • Analysis and interpretation of orb spider exploration and web-building behavior • Responses to warning coloration in avian predators • Conceptual issues in cognitive ethology • Role of paresites in sexual selection : current evidence and future directions • Primate social relationships : their determinants and consequencesPublicação: San Diego : Academic Press, 1992Descrição: 303 p.Disponibilidade:
Cognitive ethology. the minds of other animals / compil. Carolyn Ristau Nível de parte analítica: Cognitive ethology : an overview • Integrating cognitive ethology with cognitive psychology • Human psychology and the minds of other animals • Conscious chimpanzees? a review of recent literature • Animal communication and the study of cognition • Do animals have the option of withholding signals when communication is inappropriate? the audience effect • Communicative approach to animal cognition : a study of conceptual abilities of an african grey parrot • Truth and deception in animal communication • Aspects of the cognitive ethology of an injury-feigning bird, the piping plover • Cognitive ethology and critical anthropomorphism : a snake with two heads and hognose snakes that play dead • How is cognitive ethology possible? • From folk psychology to cognitive ethology • Progress toward a cognitive ethologyPublicação: Hillsdale, Nj : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1991Descrição: 332 p.Disponibilidade:
Advances in the study behavior. volume 13 / compil. Jay Rosenblatt ; co-aut. Robert Hinde ; co-aut. Colin Beer ; co-aut. Marie-Claire Busnel Nível de parte analítica: Suckling isn't feeding, or is it? a search for developmental continuities • Genes and behavior : an evolutionary perspective • Thermal constraints and influence on communication • Techniques for the analysis of social structure in animal societies • Observations on the evolution and behavioral significance of sexual skin in female primates • Determinants of infant perception • Cooperation : a biologist's dilemmaPublicação: New York : Academic Press, 1983Descrição: 262 p.Disponibilidade:
Behavior of nonhuman primates. modern research trends. volume 1 / compil. Allan Schrier ; co-aut. Fred Stollnitz ; co-aut. Harry Harlow Nível de parte analítica: Preface • Primate learning in comparative perspective • Discrete-trial training techniques and stimulus variables • Discrimination-learning sets • Hypothesis behavior • Operant conditioning • Associative problems • Delayed-response problemPublicação: New York : Academic Press, 1965Descrição: 285 p.Disponibilidade:
Advances in the study of behavior. volume 19 / compil. Jay Rosenblatt ; co-aut. Peter Slater ; co-aut. Colin Beer Nível de parte analítica: Some cognitive capacities of an african grey parrot, psittacus erithacus • Cricket neuroethology : neuronal basis of intraspecific acoustic communication • Mode selection and mode switching in foraging animals • Additive and interactive effects of genotype and maternal environment • Ethopharmacology : a biological approach to the study of drug-induced changes in behavior • Evoluton of courtship behavior in newts and salamanders • Maternal responsiveness in humans : emotional, cognitive, and biological factors • Kin reecognition : problems, prospects, and the evolution of discrimination systems • Polyterritorial polygyny in the pied flycatcherPublicação: New York : Academic Press, 1989Descrição: 431 p.Disponibilidade:
Advances in the study of behavior. volume 18 / compil. Jay Rosenblatt ; co-aut. Peter Slater ; co-aut. Marie-Claire Busnel ; co-aut. Colin Beer Nível de parte analítica: Circadian organization of behavior : timekeeping in the tsetse fly, a model system • Behavioral adaptations to aquatic life in insects : an example • Neural mechanisms of perception and motor control in a weakly electric fish • Behavioral aspects of sperm competition in birds • Song learning in zebra finches, taeniopygia guttata : progress and prospectsPublicação: New York : Academic Press, 1988Descrição: 199 p.Disponibilidade:
Advances in the study of behavior. volume 17 / compil. Jay Rosenblatt ; co-aut. Peter Slater ; co-aut. Marie-Claire Busnel ; co-aut. Colin Beer Nível de parte analítica: Ontogenetic development of behavior : the cricket visual world • Dwarf mongoose : a study of behavior and social structure in relation to ecology in a small, social carnivore • Behavioral ecology : theory into practice • Self-generated experience and the development of lateralized neurobehavioral organization in infants • Receptive competencies of language-trained animalsPublicação: New York : Academic Press, 1987Descrição: 221 p.Disponibilidade:
Advances in the study of behavior. volume 16 / compil. Jay Rosenblatt ; co-aut. Peter Slater ; co-aut. Marie-Claire Busnel ; co-aut. Colin Beer Nível de parte analítica: Social ecology and behavior of coyotes • Economics of fleeing from predators • Circannual rhythms in the control of avian migrations • Lateralization of learning in chicks • Relationships between sociall organization and behavioral endocrinology in a monogamous mammal • Physiology and ecology of puberty modulation by primer pheromones • Individual odors among mammals : origins and functions • Sensory organization of alimentary behavior in the kittenPublicação: New York : Academic Press, 1986Descrição: 343 p.Disponibilidade:
Advances in the study of behavior. volume 15 / compil. Jay Rosenblatt ; co-aut. Peter Slater ; co-aut. Marie-Claire Busnel ; co-aut. Colin Beer Nível de parte analítica: Vocal affect signaling : a comparative approach • Food storage by birds and mammals • Sensory factors in the behavioral ontogeny of altricial birds • On the functions of play and its role in behavioral development • Sex differences in social play : the socialization of sex rolesPublicação: New York : Academic Press, 1985Descrição: 282 p.Disponibilidade:
Advances in the study of behavior. volume 14 / compil. Jay Rosenblatt ; co-aut. Peter Slater ; co-aut. Marie-Claire Busnel ; co-aut. Colin Beer Nível de parte analítica: Ethology and ecology of sleep in monkeys and apes • Learning and cognition in the everyday life of human infants • Social organization of raiding and emigrations in army ants • Plasticity and adaptive radiation of dermapteran parental behavior : results and perspectives • Group mating in the domestic rat as a context for sexual selection : consequences for the analysis of sexual behavior ...Publicação: New York : Academic Press, 1984Descrição: 238 p.Disponibilidade:
Advances in the study of behavior. volume 12 / compil. Jay Rosenblatt ; co-aut. Robert Hinde ; co-aut. Marie-Claire Busnel ; co-aut. Colin Beer Nível de parte analítica: Language in the great apes : a critical review • Visceral-somatic integration in behavior, cognition, and psychosomatic disease • Selective costs and benefits in the evolution of learning • Pavlovian conditioning of signal-centered action patterns and autonomic behavior : a biological analysis of functionPublicação: New York : Academic Press, 1982Descrição: 263 p.Disponibilidade:
Advances in the study of behavior. volume 11 / compil. Jay Rosenblatt ; co-aut. Robert Hinde ; co-aut. Marie-Claire Busnel ; co-aut. Colin Beer Nível de parte analítica: Functional organization of phases of memory consolidation • Ingestional aversion learning : unique and general processes • Ontogeny and phylogeny of paradoxical reward effects • Development of sound communication in mammals • Repertoires and geographical variation in bird song • Sociobiology of pinnipeds • Endocrine and sensory regulation of maternal behavior in the ewe • Interrelationship among ecological, behavioral, and neuroendocrine processes in the reproductive cycle of anolis ...Publicação: New York : Academic Press, 1980Descrição: 377 p.Disponibilidade:
Advances in the study of behavior. volume 10 / compil. Jay Rosenblatt ; co-aut. Robert Hinde ; co-aut. Marie-Claire Busnel ; co-aut. Colin Beer Nível de parte analítica: Progress in the study of maternal behavior in the rat : hormonal, nonhormonal, sensory, and developmental aspects • Development of friendly approach behavior in the cat : study of kitten-mother relations and the cognitive development ... • Mammalian social odors : a critical review • Social behavior, group structure, and the control of sex reversal in hermaphroditic fish • Learning, change, and evolution : an enquiry into the teleonomy of learningPublicação: New York : Academic Press, 1979Descrição: 314 p.Disponibilidade:
Advances in the study of behavior. volume 9 / compil. Jay Rosenblatt ; co-aut. Robert Hinde ; co-aut. Marie-Claire Busnel ; co-aut. Colin Beer Nível de parte analítica: Ontogenesis and psylogenesis : mutual constraints • Socioecology of five sympatric monkey species in the kibale forest, uganda • Sexual selection and its component parts, somatic and genital selection, as illustred by man and the great apes • Progress and prospects in ring dove research : a personal view • Feeding : an ecological approach • Attachment as related to mother-infant interactionPublicação: New York : Academic Press, 1979Descrição: 282 p.Disponibilidade:
Advances in the study of behavior. volume 8 / compil. Jay Rosenblatt ; co-aut. Robert Hinde ; co-aut. Evelyn Shaw ; co-aut. Colin Beer Nível de parte analítica: Comparison of the properties of different reinforcers • Filial responsiveness to olfactory cues in the laboratory rat • Ethological aspects of chemical communication in ants • Influence of daylenght and male vocalizations on the estrogen-dependent behavior of female canaries and budgerigars, ... • Comparative approaches to social behavior in closely related species of birdsPublicação: New York : Academic Press, 1978Descrição: 261 p.Disponibilidade:
Advances in the study of behavior. volume 7 / compil. Jay Rosenblatt ; co-aut. Robert Hinde ; co-aut. Evelyn Shaw ; co-aut. Colin Beer Nível de parte analítica: Feeding behavior of the pigeon • Life history of male japanese monkeys • Prenatal parent-young interactions in birds and their long-term effects • Sexual receptivity and attractiveness in the female rhesus monkey • Functional analysis of masculine copulatory behavior in the rat • Maturation of the mammalian nervous system and the ontogeny of behaviorPublicação: New York : Academic Press, 1976Descrição: 395 p.Disponibilidade:
Advances in the study of behavior. volume 6 / compil. Jay Rosenblatt ; co-aut. Robert Hinde ; co-aut. Evelyn Shaw ; co-aut. Colin Beer Nível de parte analítica: Sex hormones, regulatory behaviors, and body weight • Hypothalamic of sexual behavior, with special reference to birds • Care and exploitation of nonhuman primate infants by conspecifics other than the mother • Social transmission of acquired behavior : a discussion of tradition and social learning in vertebrates • Selection of foods by rats, humans, and other animals • Specificity and the origins of behaviorPublicação: New York : Academic Press, 1976Descrição: 284 p.Disponibilidade: