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A sua pesquisa recuperou 4 resultados.

Tree of origin : what primate behavior can tell us about human social evolution / ed. Frans B. M. de WaalNível de parte analítica: The nature of culture : prospects and pitfals of cultural primatology • From primate communication to human language • Brains on two legs : group size and the evolution of intelligence • Social and technical forms of primate intelligence • Out of the pan, into the fire : how our ancestors evolution depended on what they ate • The ape's gift : meat-eating, meat-sharing, and human evolution • Beyond the apes : reasons to consider the entire primate order • apes from venus : bonobos and human sexual evolution • Of genes and apes : chimpazee social organization and reproductionPublicação: Cambridge : Harvard University Press, 2001Descrição: 311 p.Disponibilidade:

Evolving insight / Richard W. ByrnePublicação: Oxford : Osford University Press, 2016Descrição: 200 p.Disponibilidade: :

Animal behavior : a reader / ed. Johan J. Bolhuis, Jerry A. HoganNível de parte analítica: Structure and development of behavior systems • Mother-infant separation and the nature of inter-individual relationships : experiments with Rhesus monkeys • Social deprivation in monkeys • Omtogeny of social behaviour in Burmese Red Junglefowl (gallus gallus spadiceus) (excerpt) • Suckling isn't feeding, or is it? : a search for develomental continuities • Motor patterns in development (excerpt) • Aspects of learning in the ontogeny of bird song : where, from whom, when, how many, which, and how accurately? • Sensory templates in species-specific behavior • Development of perceptual mechanisms in birds : predispositions and imprinting • The companion in the bird's world (excerpt) • Development of species identification in Ducklings - VI : specific mbryonic experience required to maisntain species-typical perception in Peking Ducklings • The developing brain • semantic and conceptual issues in the nature-nurture problem • Evolution and modification of behavior (excerpt) • Heredity and environment in mammalian behavior • A Critique of Konrad Lorenz's theory of instinctive behavior (excerpt) • Behavioral development : toward understanding processes • Development changes in sensivity to experience • From watsonnoan behaviorism to behaviour epigenetics • Ontogenetic adaptations and retrogressive processes in the development of the nervous system and baheviour ; a neuroembryological perspective • Principles of development and diferentiation (excerpt)Publicação: Oxford : Blackwell Publishers, 1999Descrição: 322 p.Disponibilidade:

Advances in the study of behavior / ed. Peter J. B. Slater, Charles T. Snowdown, H. Jane Brockman, Marc NaguibPublicação: Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2005Descrição: 397 p.Disponibilidade:
