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A sua pesquisa recuperou 2 resultados.

Habitat and nest-site selection of mew and claucous-winged gulls in coastal british columbia / Kees Vermeer, co-aut. Kevin DevitoDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: ET HAND1 (1). :

Ecology and beahvior of gulls / compil. Judith Hand ; co-aut. William Southern ; co-aut. Kees VermeerNível de parte analítica: Hybridization of glaucous and herring gulls in iceland • Behavioral consequences of habitat selection in the herring gull • Habitat and nest-site selection of mew and claucous-winged gulls in coastal british columbia • Foraging patterns and prey selection by avian predators : a comparative study in two colonies of california gulls • Foraging efficiency in gulls : a congeneric comparison of age differences in efficiency and age of maturity • Do adult gulls recognize their own young : an experimental test • Time-partioning of clutch and brood care activities in herring gulls : a mesure of parental quality? • Effects of increased population size in herring gulls on breeding sucess and other parameters • Survivorship and mortality factors in a population of western gulls • Sex ratio skew and breeding patterns of gulls : demographic and toxological considerations • Constraints on clutch size in the glaucus-winged gull • Gull research in the 1980s : symposium overviewPublicação: Los Angeles : Cooper Ornithological Society, 1987Descrição: 140 p.Disponibilidade:
