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A sua pesquisa recuperou 3 resultados.

Disenchantment of charisma : on revolution in a rationalized world / William SwatosDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: S1 GLAS1 (1). :

Charismatic calvinism : forging a missing link / William SwatosDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: S1 GLAS1 (1). :

Charisma, history, and social structure / compil. Ronald Glassman ; co-aut. William SwatosNível de parte analítica: Epilogue : charisma and social structure. the success or failure of charismatic leadership • Historic fate of the charisma of reason • Hitler's dictatorial charisma • Disenchantment of charisma : on revolution in a rationalized world • Manufactured charisma and legitimacy • Against satan : charisma and tradition in iran • Hasidism and moonism : charisma in the counterculture • Charismatic calvinism : forging a missing link • Charisma and illegitimate authority • Charisma and modernity : the use and abuse of a concept • Reflections on charismatic leadership • Bureaucracy and charisma : a philisophy of historyPublicação: New York : Greenwood Press, 1986Descrição: 240 p.Disponibilidade:
