Explorations in criminal psychopathology: clinical syndromes with forensic implications / ed. Louis B. Schlesinger Nível de parte analítica: The catathymic process: psychopathology and psychodynamics of extrene interpersonal violence • Pathological gambling and criminal behavior • Idiosyncratic alcohol intoxication (Revisited): a construct that has lost its validity (still)? • Organic brain dysfuctions and criminality • Sadistic criminal aggression: perspectives from psychology, criminology, neuroscience • Forensic aspects of delusional misidentification associated with aggression and violence • A clinical investigation of the obsessional follower: She lovs me, she loves me not... • Forensic aspects of factitious disorder • Morbid jealousy and criminal conduct • Pseudologia fantastica and pathological lying: a forensic issue • Ganser's Syndrome, prison psychosis and rare dissociative states • The consequences of conduct disorder for males who develop schizophrenia: associations with criminality, aggressive behavior, substance use, and psychoatric services • Dissociative identity disorder (multiple personality disorder) and crime: a forensic issue • Forensic issues associated with pot-traumatic stress disorder: twenty-five years laterPublicação: Springfield : Charles C. Thomas, 2007Descrição: 375 p.Disponibilidade: