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A sua pesquisa recuperou 3 resultados.

Living on the edges : public know: public knowledge, private lives, personal experience / Jane Ribbens, co-aut. Rosalind EdwardsDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: C8 RIBE/J1 (1). :

Hearing my feeling voice? an autobiographical discussion of motherhood / Jane RibbensDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: C8 RIBE/J1 (1). :

Feminist dilemmas in qualitative research : public knowledge and private lives / compil. Jane Ribbens ; co-aut. Rosalind EdwardsNível de parte analítica: Writings the voices of the less powerful : research on lone mothers • Re/constructing research narratives : self and sociological identity in alternative settings • Ethnography and discourse analysis : dilemmas in representing the voices of children • Refections on a voice-centred relational method : analysing maternal and domestic voices • Hearing competing voices : sibling research • Theoretical voices and women's own voices : the stories of mature women students • Public and private meanings in diaries : researching family and childcare • Shifting layers of professional, lay and personal narratives : longitudinal childbirth research • Hearing my feeling voice? an autobiographical discussion of motherhood • Living on the edges : public know: public knowledge, private lives, personal experiencePublicação: London : Sage, 1998Descrição: 213 p.Disponibilidade:
