A sua pesquisa recuperou 4 resultados.

Stimulus and observer determinants in holistic and analytic processing / Soledad Ballesteros Jimenez, co-aut. Maria Jose Gonzalez LabraDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: E2 LI1 (1). :

Mental models in reasoning / compil. Juan Garcia-Madruga ; co-aut. Nuria Carriedo ; co-aut. Maria Gonzalez-LabraNível de parte analítica: Temporal and causal order effects in counterfactual thinking • Counterfactual conditionals : reasoning latencies • Counterfactual thinking and causal reasoning • Reasoning with multiple conditionals. when do reasoners construct mental models? • Conditional syllogisms and constrast classes • Conditional reasoning : the importance of individual differences • Effects of rule clarification and attentional factors on wason's abstratct selection task • Is there an innate module for deontic reasonning? • Time measures in rips's problems • Truth and falsity in propositiuonal reasoning : the negation heuristic • Spatial and temporal content and working memory usage in linear syllogistic reasoning • Eye movements during syllogistic reasonning • Biases in probabilistic reasining may be produced by associative learning mechanisms • Content presentation in reasoniung about base rates • Alternatives taken into account in hypothesis testing : two new paradigms for investigating strategies • Priming in mental models • External representations and deductive reasoning • Reasoning to consistency : how people resolve logical inconsistencies • In favour of unified model of deductive reasoning • Argument and opinion • Thinking and believing • Current state of the mental model theoryPublicação: Madrid : Univ. Nacional Educ. Distancia, 2000Descrição: 350 p.Disponibilidade:

Content presentation in reasoniung about base rates / Maria Gonzalez LabraDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: P2 GARC1 (1). :

Analysis of item difficulty in the solution of geometric analogies / Maria Jose Gonzalez Labra, co-aut. Soledad Ballesteros JimenezDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: E2 LI2 (1). :
