Aquém e além do cérebro = Behind and beyond the brain / Fundação Bial Nível de parte analítica: Methodological principles for a scientific parapsychology • The development of the self in humans • Understanding self and others : insights from autism • The biological self • O self : uma perspectiva filosófica • Where, when and who is the self • Cases of apparent possession and the self • Parapsychology and the self : a philosopher's perspectivePublicação: Porto : Fundação Bial, 1998Descrição: 366 p.Disponibilidade:
Aquém e além do cérebro = behind and beyond the brain: memória = Memory / Fundaçao BIAL Nível de parte analítica: Remembering Bob : thoughts on the life and legacy of Professor Robert L. Morris • Memory and the brain • Phisiology of Dé-já-vu and dreamy state experiences • Hearing the news of the death of princess diana and September 11, How special anre flashbulb memories? • Incredible memories : how accurate are reports of anomalous events? • Memory and suggestibility in maltreated children : an examination of current reaearch andtheory relevant to children disclosures of abuse • Memory and ESP : a review of the experimental literature • Why do ghosts wear clothes? examining the role pf memory and emotion in anomalous experiences • Making sense of the estrasensory modeling receptive PSI using memory-related concepts • The misuse of memory in PSI ResearchPublicação: S. Mamede do Coronado : Fundaçao BIAL, 2006Descrição: 245 pDisponibilidade: :