Parsing everiday suggestibility : what does it tell us about hypnosis? / Anthony F. Tasso, Nicole A. Pérez Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: C5 NASH1 (1). :
The Oxford handbook of hypnosis : theory, research and practice / ed. Michael R. Nash, Amanda J. Barnier Nível de parte analítica: Hypnosis in the courts • Making a contribution to the clinical literature : time-series designs • Clinical Hypnosis : the empirical evidence • Hypnosis in sport : cases, techniques and issues • Trauma-related disorders and dissociation • Hypnosis in the treatment of conversion and somatization disorders • Medical illnesses, conditions and procedures • Treating children using hypnosis • Hypnosis for health-compromising behaviors • Hypnotic approaches to treating depression • Hypnosis and anxiety : early interventions • Hypnosis in the relief of pain and pain disorders • An Eriksonian approach to clinical hypnosis • reclaiming the cognitive uncounscious : integrating hypnotic methods and cognitive-behavioral therapy • reclaiming the cognitive unsconscious : integrating hypnotic methods and cognitive-behavioral therapy • Psychoanalytic approaches to clinical hypnosis • Hypnosis and mind-body interactions • Hypnosis, trance and suggestion : evidence from neuroimaging • Hypnosis and the brain • advances in hypnosis research : methods, designs and contributions of intrinsic and instrumental hypnosis • Parsing everiday suggestibility : what does it tell us about hypnosis? • Hypnosis scales for the twenty-first century : what do we need and how should we use them? • measuring and understanding individual differences in hypnotizability • A psychoanalytic theory of hypnosis : a clinically informed approach • Intelligent desigh or designed intelligence? : hypnotizability as neurobiological adaptation • How hypnosis happens : new cognitive theories of hypnotic responding • social cognitive theories of hypnosis • Dossociation theories of hypnosis • Generations and lanscapes of hypnosis : questions we've asked, questions we should ask • The domais of hypnosis, revisited • Introduction : a road map for explanation, a working definitionPublicação: New York : Oxford University Press, 2008Descrição: 791 p.Disponibilidade:
The Oxford handbook of cyberpsychology / Eds Alison Attrill-Smith, et al. Nível de parte analítica: The group elent of cybercrime: types, dynamis, and criminal operations • Cybercrime and you: how ceriminals attack and the human factors that they seek to explicit • Policing cybercrime through law enforcement and industry mechanisms • The rise of cybercrime • Gaming classifications and player demographics • Enecting immorality within gamespace: where should we drow the line, and why? • Psychosocial effects of gaming • Game transfer phenomena: origin, development, and contributions to the video game research field • Video games and behavior change • The therapeutic apeutic and health benefits of playing video games • Mourning and memorization on social media • A psychological overview of gaming disorder • Managing your health online: issues in the selection, curation, and sharing of digital health information • Positive aspects of social media • Socially connecting throug blogs and vlogs: a social connections approach tom blogging and vlogging motivation • Social media and cyberactivism • Image sharing on social networking sites: who, what, why, and so what? • Uses and gratifications of social media: who uses it and why? • Conceptualizing online groups as multidimensional networks • The psychology of online lurking • Digital inclusion for people with an intellectual disability • Online support communities • The social consequences of online interaction • Online romantic relationships • Culturakl considerations on online interactions • Textese: language in the online world • Older adults and digital technologies • Technology interference in couple and family relationships • The myth of the digital native and what it means for higher education • Adolescent and emerging adult perceotion and participation in problematic and risky online behavior • Personality and internet use: the case of intriversion and extroversion • Impression management and self-presentation online • The online self • Ciberpsychology research methodsPublicação: Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2019Descrição: 752 p.Disponibilidade:
Online support communities / Neil S. Coulson Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: C7 ATTR1 (1). :
The online self / Alison Attrill-Smith Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: C7 ATTR1 (1). :