apes from venus : bonobos and human sexual evolution / Frans B. M. de Waal Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: ET DEWA3 (1). :
The ape's gift : meat-eating, meat-sharing, and human evolution / Craig B. Stanford Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: ET DEWA3 (1). :
Animal Welfare : competing conceptions and their ethical implications / Richard P. Haynes Publicação: New York : Springer, 2010Descrição: 162 p.Disponibilidade: :
Animal welfare / eds. Michael C. Appleby ; I. Anna S. Olson ; Francisco Galindo Nível de parte analítica: Understanding animal welfare • Animal ethics • Environmental challenge and animal agency • Hunger and thirst • Pain • Fear and other negaytive emotions • Frustration and boredom in impoverished environments • Health and disease • Behaviour • Physiology • Preference and motivation research • Practical strategies to assess (and improve) welfare • Physical conditions • Social conditions • Human contact • Genetic selection • Economics • Regulation, enforcement and incentives • International issuesPublicação: Oxfordshire : CABI, 2018Descrição: 377 p.Disponibilidade:
Animal thinking : contemporary issues in comparative cognition / ed. Randolf Menzel, Julia Fischer Nível de parte analítica: Social Knowledge • How folk psychology reuined comparative psychology : and how Scrub Jays can save it • Cooperation in nonhuman primates : function and cognition • Simple reactions to nearby neighbors and complex social behavior in primates • How intelligent is machiavellian behavior? • Communication • Language and episodic sharing • Communication in social insects : sophisticated problem solving by groups of tiny-brained animals • Where is the information in animal communication • Planning, memory, and decision making • Mechanisms for decisions about the future • Goal-directed behavior and future planning in animals • Animal navigation : a synthesis • Making the case for the intelligence of avian navigation • Navigating in a three-dimensional world • Navigation and communication in honeybees • Animal thinking : an introductionPublicação: Cambridge : MIT Press, 2011Descrição: 342 p.Disponibilidade:
Animal thinking : an introduction / Randolf Menzel, Julia Fischer Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: ET MENZ1 (1). :
Animal navigation : a synthesis / Jan Wiener, et al. Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: ET MENZ1 (1). :
Animal innovation / ed. Simon M. Reader, Kevin N. Laland Nível de parte analítica: To innovate or not to innovate? that is the question • Human creativty : two Darwiniam analysis • Innovation and creativity in forest-living rehabilitant orang-utans • Innovation as a behavioural response to environmental challenges : a cost and benefit approach • Novelty in deceit • Conditions of innovative behavior in primates • Characteristics and propensities of marmosets and tamarins : implications for studies of inovation • The role of neophobia and neophilia in the development of innovative behavior of birds • Experimental studies of innovation in the Guppy • Social learning : promoter or inhibitor of innovation • Is innovation in bird song adaptative? • Environmental variability and primate behavioural flexibility • Behavioural innovation : a neglected issue in the ecological and evolutionary literature? • Positive and negative correlates of feeding innovations in birds : evidence for limited modularity • Animal innovation : an introductionPublicação: Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2003Descrição: 344 p.Disponibilidade:
Animal innovation : an introduction / Simon M. reader, Kevin N. Laland Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: ET READ1 (1). :
Animal behaviour : mechanism, development, function and evolution / Chris Barnard Publicação: Harlow : Pearson, 2004Descrição: 726 p.Disponibilidade:
Animal behaviour : psychobiology, ethology and evolution / David MacFarland Publicação: Harlow : Pearson, 1999Descrição: 580 p.Disponibilidade:
Animal behavior : evolution and mechanics / ed. Peter Kappeler Nível de parte analítica: Levels and mechanisms of behavioral variability • Social learning and culture in animals • Animal personality and behavioural syndromes • Alternative reproductive tactics and life history phenotypes • The social modulation of behavioural development • Mating systems, social behaviour and hormones • Monogynous mating strategies in spiders • Extreme polyandry in social Hymenoptera : evolutionary causes and consequences for colony organization • Extra-pair behavior • Mate choice and reproductive conflict in simultaneous hermaphodites • The quantitative study of sexual and natural selection in the wwild and in the laboratory • Parental care : adjustments to conflict and cooperation • Group deecision-making in animal societies • Cooperation between unrelated individuals: a game theorectic approach • Conflict resolution in social insects • Individual performance in complex social systems : the greylag goose example • Honeybee cognition • Kin recognition : an overview of conceptual issues, mechanisms and evolutionary theory • Vocal communication in social groups • Visual communication : evolution, ecology, and functional mechanismsPublicação: Gottingen : Springer, 2010Descrição: 707 p.Disponibilidade: