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A sua pesquisa recuperou 1575 resultados.

Para uma reflexao sobre processos de investigacao implicada / Ana Paula CaetanoDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: M ESTR/A1 (1). :

Para uma critica dos tabus das ciencias da educacao / Adalberto Dias CarvalhoDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: M ESTR/A1 (1). :

Painting lessons / Suzanne OuletteDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: M JOSS1 (1). :

P-technique factor analysis as a tool for exploring psychological health / Constance J. JonesDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: M ONG1 (1). :

The Oxford handbook of quantitative methodsNível de parte analítica: Network analysis: a defenitional guide to importante concepts • Monte Carlos analysis in academic research • Mathematical modeling • Bayesian statistical methods • Robust statistical estimation • Overview of statistical estimation method • Program evaluation: principles, procedures, and practices • Observational methods • Designs for and analysis of response time experiments • Matching and propensy scores • Experimental design for causal inference: clinical trials and regression discontinuity designs • Effect size and sample size planning • High-stakes test construction and test use • Survey design and measure development • The IRT tradition tradition and its implication • Modern test theory • Teaching quantitative psychology • Theory construction, model building, and model selection • Special populations • Quantitative methods and ethics • The philosophy of quantitative methods • IntroductionPublicação: Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2013Descrição: 515 p.Disponibilidade: :

The Oxford handbook of multimethod and mixed methods research inquiry / ed. Sharlene Hesse-Biber, R. Burke JohnsonNível de parte analítica: Conclusions: toward an inclusive and defensible multimethod and mixed methods science • Mixed methods: dissonance and values in research with marginalized groups • Causality, generalizability, and the future of mixed methods research • Feminism, causation, and mixed methods research • It depends: possible impacts of moving the field of mixed methods research toward best practice guidelines • Conundrums of multimethod research • Preserving distictions within the multimethod and mixed methods research merger • Mixed methods and the problems of theory building and theory testing in the social sciences • What problem are we trying to solve? practical and innovative uses of multimethod and mixed methods research • Emergent technologies in multimethod and mixed methods research: incorporating GIS and CAQDAS • Emergent technologies in multimethod and mixed methods research: incorporating mobile technologies • Conducting multimethod and mixed methods research online • Mixed methods and multimodal research and internet technologies • How does mixed methods research add value to our understanding of development? • History and emergent practices of multimethod and mixed methods in business research • Applying multimethod and mixed methods to prevention reaearch in global health • Mixed methods evaluation • Moving from reandomized controlled trials to mixed methods intervention evaluations • Participatory mixed methods research • Evolving mixed and multimethod approaches in psychology • Multimethod and mixed methods research in the fields of education and anthropology • Mentoring the nest generation in mixed methods research • Funding for mixed methods research: sources and strategies • Witing up multimethod and mixed methods research for diverse audiences • Advanced mixed analysis approaches • Data analysis I: overview of data analysis strategies • Validity in multimethod and mixed research • Designing integration in multimethod and mixed methods research • Designing multimethod research • Conducting miced methods literature reviews: synthesizing the evidence needed to develop and implement complex social and health interventions • Interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary multimethod and mixed methods research • Understanding and emphasizing difference and intersectionality in multimethod and mixed methods research • Transformative and indigenous frameworks for multimethod and mixed methods research • Feminist approaches to multimethod and miced methods research: theory and praxis • Revisiting mixed methods and advancing scientific practices • Thinking outside the Q boxes: furthur motivating a miced research perspective • Mixed and multimethods in predominantly quantitative studie, especially experiments and quasi-experiments • A qualitative driven approach to multimethod and mixed methods research • Introduction: navigating a turbulent research landscape: working the boundaries, tensions, diversity, and contradictions of multimethod and mixed methods inquiryPublicação: Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2015Descrição: 717 p.Disponibilidade:

Oxford handbook of methods in positive psychology / Anthony D. Ong, Manfred H. M. van DulmenNível de parte analítica: Detecting population heterogeneity in stability and change in subjective well-being by mixture distributions models • Latent-class models for analyzing variability and change • Positive processes in close relationship across time, partners, and context : a mulyilevel aproach • Multilvel modeling of social interactions and mood in lonely ans socially connected individuals : the MacArthur social neuroscience studies • Individual and situational factors related to the experience of floew in adolescence : a multilevel • Multilevel modeling of motivation : a self-determination theory analysis of basic psychological needs • Differentiation of the distributions of inspiration and positive affect across days of the week : an application of logistic multilevel modeling • Using experience sampling and multilevel modeling to study person-situation interactionist approaches to positive psychology • Assessing the Ebb and flow of daily life with and accent on the positive • Understanding journeys : growth-curve analysis as a tool for studying individual differegnces in change over time • The use of growth-curve modeling in estimating stability and change in well-being over time • Applications of latent growth analyses to health outcomes of adolescent girls • Multilevel models of change : fundamental concepts and relationships to mixed models and latent growth-curve models • Nonlinear dynamics of positive psychology : parameters, models, and searching for a systems summum bonum • Application of dynamic systems analysis to dyadic interactions • Umderstanding the adjustment to widowhood : using dynamical systems to assess an predict trajectories of well-being • Dynamical modeling for studying self-regulatory processes : an example from the study of religious development over the lefe span • Exploring cyclic change in emotion using item response models and frequency domain analysis • Using item response models to analyze change : advantages and limitations • Within-person covariation analysis : applications to the study of affect • Hardiness as a dispositional resource : methods of conceptualizing the construct • Wisdom as a classical human strength : psychological conceptualizations and empirical inquiry • Methodological issues in positive psychology and the assessment of character strenghts • Cultural aspects of quantitative genetic investigations • Natural Experiments : what behavioral genetic approaches can tell us about human potential • Some measurement issues in the study of affect • Psychophysiological approaches to the study of laughter : toward an integration with positive psychology • Understanding individual and age differences in well-being : an experimental attention.based approach • Experimental approaches to individual differences and change : exploring the causes and consequences of extraversion • Measuring emotional intelligence • Dolce fa niente : the positive psychology of personality stability and invariance • Assessing factorial invariance in cross-sectional and longitudinal studies • Using the combined etic-emic approach to develop a mesurement of interpersonal subjective well-being in chinese populations • The application of structural equation modeling and item response theory to cross-cultural positive psychology research • Using structural equation models to validate measures of positive emotions • Methodological issues in the assessment of the affective component of subjective well-being • understanding hope : a review of measurement and construct validity research • Multivariate statistical strategies for construct validation in positive psychology • Application of dynamic factor analysis to affective processes in dyads • The structure of daily positive affect for persons with Parkinson's disease • Stepping into the light : modeling the intraindividual dimensions of hedonic and eudaemonic well-being • P-technique factor analysis as a tool for exploring psychological healthPublicação: Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2007Descrição: 644 p.Disponibilidade:

Overview of statistical estimation method / Ke-Hai Yuan, Christof SchusterDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: M LITT1 (1). :

Os feminismos e a pesquisa qualitativa neste novo milênio / Virginia L. OlesenDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: M DENZ5 (1). :

Orientalism / Julie MarcusDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: M ATKI1 (1). :

Organisation sociale des babouins hamadryas / H. KummerDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: M MICH1 (1). :

Organigrammes et sociogrammes / Roger MucchielliPublicação: Paris : Lib Techniques/esf, 1973Descrição: 150 p.Disponibilidade:

Oral examinations / G. ForrestDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: E2 WALB1 (1). :

The only generalization is : there is no generalization / Yvonna S. Lincoln, Egon G. GubaDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: M GOMM1 (1). :

One researcher's self-questioning / Stephen RosenDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: M REAS1 (1). :

On writing other people's lives : self-analytic reflections of a narrative researcher / Ruthellen JosselsonDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: M NSL4 (1). :

On Writing; on writing sociology / Zygmunt BaumanDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: M DENZ3 (1). :

On working with graduate research students / Peter Reason, co-aut. Judi MarshallDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: M REAS2 (1). :

On tricky ground : researching the native in the age of uncertainty / Linda Tuhiwai SmithDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: M DENZ3 (1). :
