Childrens talk in classroom discussions / Margherita Orsolini, co-aut. Clotilde Pontecorvo Nível de conjunto: Cognition And Instruction, Vol. 9, nº 2 (1992), p. 113-136Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: R5 (1). :
Children's early text construction / compil. Clotilde Pontecorvo ; co-aut. Margherita Orsolini ; co-aut. Barbara Burge ; co-aut. Lauren Resnick Nível de parte analítica: Readers and writers talk about language • Reading aloud to young children : teacher's reading styles and kindergartner's text comprehension • Deaf children and the construction of written texts • Literacy in first grade : traditional and experimental situations • Uses of written language in primary school : codifying, recording, and interpreting • Informative texts of young schoolchildren • Looking for stylistic features in children composing stories : products and processes • Use of information in expository text writing • Children's use of punctuation marks : the case of quoted speech • Reflections on the comma • Pizza or piza? how children interpret the doubling of letters in writing • Approach to writing in kindergarten • Three accounts of literacy and the role of the environment • Children dictating a story : is together better? • Use of referential expressions in 4-year-old children's narratives : invented recalled stories • Rhythms of speech and writing • Roles of oral and written language as children approach conventional literacy • Writing and written language in children's developmentPublicação: Mahwah : Lawrence Erlbaum, 1996Descrição: 368 p.Disponibilidade:
Chapeuzinho vermelho aprende a escrever : estudos psicolinguisticos comparativos em três línguas / ed. Emilia Ferreiro, Clotilde Pontecorvo, Nadja Ribeiro Moreira, Isabel Garcia Hidalgo Publicação: Sao Paulo : Atica, 1996Descrição: 229 p.Disponibilidade:
As prácticas de alfabetização escolar : ainda é valido o falar bem para escrever? / Clotinde Pontecorve Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: E2 FERR17 (1). :