A sua pesquisa recuperou 15216 resultados.

Communication et representation / compil. Pierre FedidaNível de parte analítica: Parallelisme impossible • Phylogenese et nostalgie • Metacommunication doubles liens et multi-liens etats autoreferentiels autonomes • Clinique de la tristesse • Modalites de la communication dans le transfert et moments critiques du contre-transfert • Relation d'appartenance regressive • Remarques sur la situatin de la notion de relation d'objet • Reflexions sur les transformations psychiques • Modele biologique en psychopathologie : le ralentissement depressif comme organisation pathologique de l'activitePublicação: Paris : Puf, 1986Descrição: 206 p.Disponibilidade:

Feminismo espontaneo da histeria / Emilce BleichmarPublicação: Porto Alegre : Artes Medicas, 1988Descrição: 206 p.Disponibilidade:

Impasse e interpretação : fatores terapêuticos e antiterapêuticos no tratamento psicanalítico de pacientes neuróticos, psicóticos e fronteiriços / Herbert RosenfeldPublicação: Rio De Janeiro : Imago, 1986Descrição: 360 p.Disponibilidade: :

Loucura suprimida do homem sao : quarenta e quatro anos explorando a psicanalise / Marion MilnerPublicação: Rio De Janeiro : Imago, 1991Descrição: 301 p.Disponibilidade:

Psicanalise depois de freud : teoria e clinica / Norberto Bleichmar, co-aut. Celia BleichmarPublicação: Porto Alegre : Artes Medicas, 1992Descrição: 453 p.Disponibilidade:

Melanie klein ii : o ego e o bom objecto 1932-1960 / Jean-Michel PetotPublicação: Sao Paulo : Perspectiva, 1982Descrição: 228 p.Disponibilidade:

Psychoanalytic study of society. vol 16 / compil. L. Boyer ; co-aut. Ruth BoyerNível de parte analítica: Cultic elements in early christianity : rome, corinth, and the johannine community • Circumcision and biblical narrative • Idiosyncrasy and the problem of shared understandings : the case of a pakistani orphan • Behavioral evolution beyond the advent of cultura • Rorschaching in north america in the shadow of hallowell • Mazes of meaning : the exploration of individuality in culture and of culture through individual constructs • House design and the self in an african culture • Self and kagwahiv dreams • A. irving hallowell, the foundations of psychological anthropology, and altered states of consciousness • A. irving hallowell and the study of cultural dynamics • Alfred irving hallowell : an appreciationPublicação: Hillsdale : Analytic Press, 1991Descrição: 292 p.Disponibilidade:

Sigmund freud : obras psicologicas / compil. Peter GayPublicação: Rio De Janeiro : Imago Editora, 1992Descrição: 767 p.Disponibilidade:

Melanie klein i : primeiras descobertas e primeiro sistema 1919-1932 / Jean-Michel PetotPublicação: Sao Paulo : Editora Pespectiva, 1979Descrição: 221 p.Disponibilidade:

Eighth international conference on literature and psychology / compil. Frederico PereiraNível de parte analítica: Capgras-delusion in fiction : dimensions of interpretation • Abimelech's interpretation of a dream and the dream of interpretation • Creativity and family mythmaking : a case study of literary responses to inherited depression • Poltergeist : divorce american style • Re-stigmatizing medusa : female rage and the male gaze • Camera i-s : representation of identity in the photographs of suzanne lafont • Words and music : a psychological interaction • Doubling and the despair of artistic creation : nabokov's version of freud's splitting of the ego • Crypts, in london : the novels of elizabeth bowen • Fernando Pessoa : temps et espace • Guermantes et meseglise ou le roman familial de proust • True self in cold storage : henry james and what maisie knew • Two wordsworths revisited : a psychoanalytic view • Dorain gray ou l'anti-narcisse • Megere apprivoisee ou la belle catherine • Mechanism of wrenching in shakespeare's king lear and certain types of psychotic states • Psychological underpinnings of art • Fragmentation of the oedipus complex in chinese literature • Literary creation and aesthetic conflict • Pattern, perception and presence : issues in the struggle for narrative meaning in the writings of r. d. laing • Golden arrow : bion and lacan • True thought in search of a thinker in psychoanalysis and literary criticism : an homage to w. r. bion • Desire and mythic surmise in the writings of sigmund freud • Freud : between fiction and non-fiction • Writers and recurrent depression • Capgras-delusion in fiction : dimensions of interpretation • Abimelech's interpretation of a dream and the dream of interpretation • Creativity and family mythmaking : a case study of literary responses to inherited depression • Poltergeist : divorce american style • Re-stigmatizing medusa : female rage and the male gaze • Camera i-s : representation of identity in the photographs of suzanne lafont • Words and music : a psychological interaction • Doubling and the despair of artistic creation : nabokov's version of freud's splitting of the ego • Crypts, in london : the novels of elizabeth bowen • Guermantes et meseglise ou le roman familial de proust • True self in cold storage : henry james and what maisie knew • Two wordsworths revisited : a psychoanalytic view • Dorain gray ou l'anti-narcisse • Megere apprivoisee ou la belle catherine • Mechanism of wrenching in shakespeare's king lear and certain types of psychotic states • Fragmentation of the oedipus complex in chinese literature • Psychological uderpinnings of art • Literary creation and aesthetic conflict • Pattern, perception and presence : issues in the struggle for narrative meaning in the writings of r. d. laing • Golden arrow : bion and lacan • True thought in search of a thinker in psychoanalysis and literary criticism : an homage to w. r. bion • Desire and mythic surmise in the writings of sigmund freud • Freud : between fiction and non-fiction • Writers and recurrent depressionPublicação: Lisboa : Ispa, 1992Descrição: 199 p.Disponibilidade:
Biblioteca ISPA Retirado temporariamenteCota: C3 LITE2 (1).

Developpement kleinien de la psychanalyse : 1. l'evolution clinique de freud / Donald MeltzerPublicação: Toulouse : Privat, 1978Descrição: 181 p.Disponibilidade:

Analise do self / Heinz KohutPublicação: Rio De Janeiro : Imago, 1981Descrição: 304 p.Disponibilidade:

Quinze etudes psychanalytiques sur le temps : traumatisme et apres coup / compil. Jean GuillauminNível de parte analítica: Reflexions sur les notions de traumatisme et d'epres-coup par rapport a l'oeuvre de jose bleger • Besoin du traumatisme et transfert paradoxal • Notre glorieux passe est le plus sur garant de la richesse de notre avenir, extrait de la demagogie electorale • Apres-coup et l'organisation de la nevrose infantile • Traumatisme, interaction, symbolisation • Exemple d'apres-coup ou le retour du monotaure • Traumatisme et l'experience des limites dans l'analyse • Biphasisme et apres-coup • Apres-coup du traumatisme • Repetition et/ou reminiscence • Separations precoces et apres-coup • Apres-coup, repetition, transfert • Traumatisme oedipien initial et ses apres-coups • Traumatisme -apres-coup- transfertPublicação: Paris : Privat, 1980Descrição: 238 p.Disponibilidade:

Thinking, feeling, and being : clinical reflections on the fundamental antinomy of human beings and world / compil. Ignacio Matte-BlancoNível de parte analítica: Introduction to matte-blanco's reformulation of the freudian unconscious and his conceptualization of the internal ...Publicação: London : Routledge, 1988Descrição: 347 p.Disponibilidade:

The homosexualities : reality, fantasy, and the arts / ed. Charles W. Socarides ; Vamik D. VolkanPublicação: Madison : International University Press, 1990Descrição: 392 p.Disponibilidade: :
Biblioteca ISPA Retirado temporariamenteCota: C3 SOCA3A (2).

Psychoanalysis of the sexual functions of women / Helene DeutschNível de parte analítica: PrefacePublicação: London : Karnac Books, 1991Descrição: 132 p.Disponibilidade:

The aprehension of beauty: The role of aesthetic conflict in development, violence and art / Donald Meltzer, Meg Harris WilliamsPublicação: Perthshire : Clunie Press, 1988Descrição: 240 p.Disponibilidade:

Psycho-analytical process / Donald MeltzerPublicação: Perthshire : Clunie, 1990Descrição: 109 p.Disponibilidade:

Feminine psychology / Karen HorneyPublicação: New York : W. W. Norton & Company, 1973Descrição: 269 p.Disponibilidade:

Explorations in autism. a psycho-analytical study / e outros Donald Meltzer, co-aut. Jonh Bremner, co-aut. Shirley Hoxter, co-aut. Doreen Weddell, co-aut. Isca WittenbergNível de parte analítica: Residual autistic condition and its effect upon learning : piffie • Disturbed geography of the life-space in autism : barry • Primal depression in autism : john • Conclusion • Dimensionality as a parameter mental functioning : its relation to narcissistic organization • Relation of autism to obsessional mechanisms in general • Mutism in infantile autism, schizophrenia, and manic-depressive states : the correlation of clinical psycho-pathology... • Psychology of autistic states and of post-autistic mentality • Aims, scope and methods of the investigation • Autism proper : timmyPublicação: Oxford : Clunie, 1991Descrição: 250 p.Disponibilidade:
