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Learning and instruction. volume 2.2 / e outros Heinz Mandl, co-aut. Erik De Corte, co-aut. Neville Bennett, co-aut. Helmut FriedrichNível de parte analítica: Children's reasoning about biological structures • Learning and teaching at middle school level of concepts and phenomena in psysics : the case of temperature • Cross-cultural investigation of children's conceptions about the earth, the sun, and the moon : greek and american data • Psychological aspects of learning about basic electricity • Science students conceptions : themes and variations • Statistical preconceptions during data analysis by naive subjects • Mediating processes between children's self-concept of ability and mathematical achievement : a longitudinal study • Analysis of item difficulty in the solution of geometric analogies • Deductive reasoning in geometry : search strategies and surface features • From text situation to equation : cognitive simulation of understanding and solving mathematical word problems • Conceptual obstacles to the development of the concepts of multiplication and division • Structuring principle for the memory representation of simple arithmetic facts • Training procedure for children with learning deficiencies improve their representation simple arithmetic word problem • Do non-semantic factors also influence the solution process of addition and subtraction word problem ? • Problem solving and concept : formation in the learning of mathematics • Testing the bereiter model of writing : cognitive and communicative aspects of diary-writing during adolescence • Learning text composition in early literacy • Micro- and macrostructural planning and control in production : approaches to the storytelling situation • Knowledge and text production • Composition book : learning to write by dialogue • Constructing and highlighting main points in production • Effect of topic and theme interestingness on the production of school expositions • Student -generated activities in learner- and program-controlled text processing • Recall of nonintegrated paragraphs from a text • Self-imposed local learning criteria in studying text • Repeated reading and severe reading disability • Information selection strategies in the reading of scientific texts • Thinking out loud about concepts in science text : how instructional objectives work • Relative importance of information and retrieval from memory • Selecting and cueing key phrases in instructional texts • Professional ethics of teachers as a result of a developmental process : conditions and consequences • Development of professional perspectives and behaviour in prospective teachers • Injustice in interactions between teachers and pupils • Maternal sensitivity and teaching behaviour in dyadic interaction • Teachers questions : some differences between experienced and novice teachers • Types and consequences of student teachers diagnoses during classroom interaction • Integrating the development of the operational abilities of thinking and the transmission of knowledge • Teaching decision-making to solve textbook problems • Formation of learning activity in pupils • Paradigmatic teaching of inductive thinking • When teaching kills learning : research on mathemathantics • PrefacePublicação: New York : Pergamon Press, 1990Descrição: 688 p.Disponibilidade:

Learning and instruction. volume 2.1 / compil. Heinz Mandl ; co-aut. Erik De Corte ; co-aut. Neville Bennett ; co-aut. Helmut FriedrichNível de parte analítica: Research on learning and instruction : trends and problems in czechoslovakia and the soviet union • How can we generate stable, consistent, and generalizable results in the field of research on teaching? -theoretical • Research and development of teaching/learning models for guided self-instruction • Research and development in instructional psychology • Phenomenography of learning : a qualitative approach to educational research and some of its implications for didactics • Cognitive science and instruction : why the revolution is not here, yet • Assessment of learning ability. learning ability tests and the analysis of learning processes • Motivation to be educated : sense of obligation in the classroom • Motivation by cognitive controversy : a challenge to cooperate for every learner ? • Goals in the adaptive learning of university students • Structural model for individual differences in academic performances of freshmen • Individual differences in learning performance and in school achievement : plausible parallels unexplained discrepancies • Perspectives for research in science teaching : using the computer as laboratory partner • Using microcomputers in the teaching of spelling • Logo : an aid to pupil's thinking and learning in mathematics ? • Girls, boys, and turtles : gender effects in young children learning with logo • Numbers and space : a study of the acquisition of cartesian representations using educational software • Intelligent tutoring systems for training in geometrical proof and construction problems • Towards general knowledge-diagnosis systems for student : and user-modelling • Conceptual overview on suomo : an intelligent learning environment in the psysical domain of superposition of motions • Tying development of intelligent tutors to research on theories of learning • Reasoning by argumentation • Stimulus and observer determinants in holistic and analytic processing • Effect of automaticity on individual variation and retention • Differential effects of typical cases on categorization • Instruction for learning natural concepts • Item response model for describing the use of strategies in embedded figures tasks • Learning : fitting the world model to the task, can we learn every world model for every task by doing ? • Learning by doing in the control of a complex system • Simulation and analysis of problem solving and dialogue processing within co-operative learning • Objective and subjective structure problem-solving abilities : metacognitive awareness from early adolescence middle age • Self-regulation and problem solving • On multiplicity of learning to solve problems • Social interaction in problem-solving activities • Evaluation of task interdependence and peer tutoring in a compact co-operative learning technique • Adult-child and peer relationship : action, representation, and learning process • Effects of group composition on group interctive processes and pupil understanding • Peer interaction in solving a binary matrix problem : possible mechanisms causing individual progress • Peer interaction and conceptual change • Social context, semiotic mediation, and forms of discourse in constructing knowledge at schoolPublicação: New York : Pergamon Press, 1990Descrição: 695 p.Disponibilidade:

Problemas de leitura na crianca / Peter Bryant, co-aut. Lynette BradleyPublicação: Porto Alegre : Porto Alegre, 1987Descrição: 140 p.Disponibilidade:

Recherche d'une pedadgogie de la lecture / compil. Jacques Weiss ; co-aut. Daniellejean Brocard ; co-aut. Jean Cardinet ; co-aut. Francois Stoll ; co-aut. Adrien PerrotNível de parte analítica: Enseignement de la lecture en suisse romande • Apprentissage de la lecture, une construction lente et naturelle • Lecture • Vorwort • Enseignement prescolaire et apprentissage de la lecture • Comparaison des methodes de lecture • Evaluation de s'exprimer-lire • Enseignement de la lecture dans le canton de neuchatel • Avant-propos • Vers une theorie de la lecture • Preambule • Image de la societe vue a travers bonjour la viePublicação: Berne : Peter Lang, 1981Descrição: 334 p.Disponibilidade:

Enfant, la mathematique et la realite / Gerard VergnaudPublicação: Berne : Peter Lang, 1981Descrição: 218 p.Disponibilidade:

Genetique et ses representations dans l'enseignement / Guy RumelhardNível de parte analítica: PrefacePublicação: Berne : Peter Lang, 1986Descrição: 169 p.Disponibilidade:

L'apprenti lecteur : recherches empiriques et implications pédagogiques / dir. Laurence Rieben ; Charles PerfettiPublicação: Neuchatel : Delachaux et Niestle, 1989Descrição: 359 p.Disponibilidade:

Bilan des acquisitions en fin de premiere annee. fascicule 3 / Jean-Francois PerretPublicação: Berne : Peter Lang, 1988Descrição: 176 p.Disponibilidade:

Connaitre et transformer la matiere / Jean-Louis MartinandNível de parte analítica: PrefacePublicação: Berne : Peter Lang, 1986Descrição: 315 p.Disponibilidade:

Autour de la notion pedagogique d'attente / Pierre MarcPublicação: Berne : Peter Lang, 1984Descrição: 235 p.Disponibilidade:

Etre bilingue / Georges Ludi, co-aut. Bernard PyPublicação: Berne : Peter Lang, 1986Descrição: 181 p.Disponibilidade:

Bilan des acquisitions en fin de premiere annee. fascicule 2 / Francois Jaquet, co-aut. Elizabeth George, co-aut. Jean-Francois PerretPublicação: Berne : Peter Lang, 1988Descrição: 111 p.Disponibilidade:

Bilan des acquisitions en fin de premiere annee. fascicule 1 / Francois Jaquet, co-aut. Jean CardinetPublicação: Berne : Peter Lang, 1988Descrição: 156 p.Disponibilidade:

Eleve et/ou les connaissances scientifiques. approche didactique de la contruction des concepts scientifique par les ele / e outros Andre Giordan, co-aut. Jean-Louis Martinand, co-aut. Jean-Pierre Astolfi, co-aut. Guy Rumelhard, co-aut. Anne CoulibalyPublicação: Berne : Peter Lang, 1983Descrição: 205 p.Disponibilidade:

Apprendre par l'action / Christian GeorgePublicação: Paris : Puf, 1989Descrição: 236 p.Disponibilidade:

Psychology of reading / John Downing, co-aut. Che Kan LeongPublicação: New York : Macmillan, 1982Descrição: 1-414 p.Disponibilidade:

Education des adultes et ses effets / compil. Pierre Dominice ; co-aut. Michel RoussonNível de parte analítica: Evaluation d'une session de formation d'adultes • Etude des besoins de formation reflexions theoriques et methodologiques • Deux cas d'entreprise. 1. savoir etre chef • Deux cas d'entreprise. 2. l'apprentissage d'une technique • Reflexions finales. de la demonstration des effets a la recherche-action • Evaluation de la formation dans les organisations : revue des problemes • Formation syndicale a l'universite ouvriere de geneve, section 2 • Universite du troisieme age a geneve • Pour une fonction formatrice de l'evaluation • Introduction : l'evaluation, unconcept central • Evaluation des seminairesPublicação: Berne : Peter Lang, 1981Descrição: 246 p.Disponibilidade:

Estrategias de ensino-aprendizagem / Juan Diaz Bordenave, co-aut. Adair PereiraPublicação: Petropolis : Vozes, 1988Descrição: 312 p.Disponibilidade:

Busca do sucesso escolar-uma perspectiva, um estudo, uma proposta / Ester Luisa DiasPublicação: Lisboa : Livros Horizonte, 1989Descrição: 222 p.Disponibilidade:
