A sua pesquisa recuperou 6607 resultados.

Risquer l'education. vive l'echec scolaire provisoire / Francois MarchandPublicação: Marseille : Hommes Perspectives/j Psychol, 1989Descrição: 381 p.Disponibilidade:

Advances in research on teaching. vol 4 - case studies of teaching and learning in social studies / compil. Jere BrophyNível de parte analítica: Findings and issues : the cases viewed in context • Ideology and the teaching of history : purposes, practices, and student beliefs • Toward the desirable in social teaching • Mary lake : introducing fifth grades to u.s. history • Making studies education in an urban fourth-grade classroom • Teaching for understanding in a third-grade geography lesson • Building a sense of history in a first-grade classroomPublicação: Greenwich : Jai Press, 1993Descrição: 232 p.Disponibilidade:

Psychology for teachers. 2nd ed / David FontanaPublicação: Houndmills : British Psychological Society / Macmillan, 1988Descrição: 368 p.Disponibilidade:

Resolução de problemas : processos cognitivos concepções de professores e desenvolvimento curricular / org. Domingos Fernandes ; Antonio Borralho ; Gertrudes AmaroPublicação: Lisboa : Instituto de Inovação Educacional, 1994Descrição: 322 p.Disponibilidade:

Desenvolvimento de instrumentos de avaliacao da aprendizagem em matematica / Isolina Oliveira, co-aut. Judith Silva Pereira, co-aut. Domingos FernandesPublicação: Lisboa : Inst. Inovacao Educacional, 1993Descrição: 73 p.Disponibilidade:

Avaliacao da comunicacao escrita em alunos do 1§ ciclo : estudo longitudinal / Maria Clara BentesPublicação: Lisboa : Inst. Inovacao Educacional, 1993Descrição: 53 p.Disponibilidade:

Psychology of written composition / Carl Bereiter, co-aut. Marlene ScardamaliaPublicação: Hillsdale : Lawrence Erlbaum, 1987Descrição: 389 p.Disponibilidade: :

Managing writing : practical issues in the primary classroom / Tony Martin, co-aut. Mick Waters, co-aut. Wendy BloomPublicação: London : Mary Glasgow Publ., 1989Descrição: 127 p.Disponibilidade:

Children and television : images in a changing sociocultural world / compil. Gordon Berry ; co-aut. Joy AsamenNível de parte analítica: Nickelodeon experience • Challenge to improve television for children. a new perspective • Public television programming and the changing cultural landscape • Policy and the future of children's television • Changing channels. the portrayal of people with disabilities on television • Televison, the portrayal of the elderly, and children's attitudes • Televison, the portrayal of women, and children's attitudes • Televison worlds of latino children • They're so cute when they're young. the asian-american child on television • Developing television american indian and alaska native children in the late 20th century • Television, the portrayal of african american, and the development of children's attitudes • Conceptual models of an african-american belief system. a program of research • Rubik's tube. developing a child's television worldview • Cultural diversity on saturday morning television • Medium and the society. the role of television in american life • Medium of television and the school curriculum. turning research into classroom practice • Children and media education • Creativity of children in a television world • Program-length commercial. a study of the effects of television/toy tie-ins on imaginative play • Television forms to genre schemata : children's perceptions of television reality • Cognitive developmental influences on children's understanding of television • Developing child in a multimedia society • Introduction : television as a worldwide cultural tapestryPublicação: Newbury Park : Sage, 1993Descrição: 332 p.Disponibilidade:

Organising learning in the primary school classroom. 2 ed / Joan DeanPublicação: London : Routledge, 1993Descrição: 271 p.Disponibilidade:
Biblioteca ISPA Retirado temporariamenteCota: E DEAN1 (1).

Racism and education : structures and strategies / compil. Dawn Gill ; co-aut. Barbara Mayor ; co-aut. Maud BlairNível de parte analítica: Racist society, racist science • Revelation of caliban : the black presence in the classroom • Tackling racism and sexism in the primary classroom • Towards an antiracist initiative in the all-white primary school. a case study • In-service provision and teacher resistance to whole-school change • Social justice, social dividions and the governing of schools • Racist incidents in schools : a framework for analysis • Antiracism in education : the search for policy in practice • Local management of resources : who benefits? • Race policies and programmes under attack : two case studies for the 1990s • Resisting institutional change • Race, schooling and the 1988 education reform act • Hermeneutics of the swann report • Can you see the join? an historical analysis of multicultural and antiracist education policies • Coming of age in 1980s england : reconceptualizing black students' schooling experience • Early education : multiracial primary school classroomsPublicação: London : Sage, 1992Descrição: 326 p.Disponibilidade:

Reading and the mental lexicon / Marcus TaftPublicação: Hove : Lawrence Erlbaum Ass, 1991Descrição: 151 p.Disponibilidade:

Iea study of reading literacy : achievement and instruction in thirty-two school systems / compil. Warwick ElleyNível de parte analítica: Conclusions • Multivariate analyses of data from population a • Teaching of reading • Differences among countries in school resources and achievement • Role of the home and student differences in reading performance • Voluntary reading activities • International differences in achievement levels • Iea study of reading literacy : achievement and instruction in thirty-two school systems : introductionPublicação: Oxford : Pergamon Press, 1994Descrição: 278 p.Disponibilidade:

Iea study of computers in education : implementation of an innovation in 21 education systems / compil. Willem Pelgrum ; co-aut. Tjeerd PlompNível de parte analítica: Summary and conclusions • Predicting computer use in six systems : structural models of implementation indicators • Administration/policy and equity • Educating the educators • Implementation and educational uses of computers • Hardware and software provision in relation to the integrated use of computers • Decision phase : starting to use computers • Theoretical framework, design and samplingPublicação: Oxford : Pergamon Press, 1993Descrição: 332 p.Disponibilidade:

Leitura em questao / Jean FoucambertPublicação: Porto Alegre : Artes Medicas, 1994Descrição: 157 p.Disponibilidade:

Descobrindo a linguagem escrita : uma experiência de aprendizagem da leitura e da escrita numa escola de intervenção prioritária / Manuela Castro Neves, Margarida Alves MartinsPublicação: Lisboa : Escolar Editora, 1994Descrição: 153 p.Disponibilidade:
Biblioteca ISPA Retirado temporariamente (1).

Lecture pour tous / compil. Margarida Alves Martins ; co-aut. Jean-Marie Besse ; co-aut. Gerard Chauveau ; co-aut. Andre Inizan ; co-aut. Eliane Rogovas-ChauveauNível de parte analítica: Conclusion la savoir-lire pour tous au cours preparatoire • Dynamiques ecole-famille-quartier et reussite en lecture au cours preparatoire • Echec a la reussite par la didactique • Idees des enfants sur l'ecrit a l'entree a l'ecole primaire • Peut-on ne pas savoir lire ni ecrire apres 10 ans d'ecole? • Jeunes enfants et l'entree dans la culture ecrite • Apprentissage de la lecture, un grand enjeu economique et socialPublicação: Paris : Armand Colin, 1993Descrição: 107 p.Disponibilidade:

Auto-eficácia, auto-regulação e desempenho na realização de tarefas cognitivas / Joaquim da Costa AmaralPublicação: Lisboa : Ispa, 1993Descrição: 144 p.Disponibilidade:

Evaluation formative et didactique du francais / compil. Linda Allal ; co-aut. Daniel Bain ; co-aut. Philippe PerrenoudNível de parte analítica: Confronter ensemble aux defis de la mise en pratique • Autoevaluation et evaluation mutuelle en situation de production ecrire • Mecanismes de regulation des activites textuelles : strategies d'intervention dans les sequences didactiques • S'ils apprenaient a ecrire en connaissance de cause! l'ovnipresence de l'evaluation formative • Ecrire... a haute voix : integration de l'orthographe dans la production ecrite • Bon usage de l'erreur dans une didactique de l'orthographe • Observant l'aprenti-lecteur • Evaluation formative : faut-il mettre un bemol a la cle? • Interaction formative et regulation didactique • Renovation de l'enseignement du francais et evaluation formative, ou l'histoire d'une occasion manquee • Regulations metacognitives : quelle place pour l'eleve dans l'evaluation formative? • Evaluation formative integree dans la pedagogie du francais : de la necessite et de l'utilite de modeles de reference • Vers des demarches didactiques favorisant une regulation individualisee des apprentissages • Evaluation formative et didactique du francais : les raisons d'une convergence • Confronter ensemble aux defis de la mise en pratique • Autoevaluation et evaluation mutuelle en situation de production ecrire • Mecanismes de regulation des activites textuelles : strategies d'intervention dans les sequences didactiques • Et s'ils apprenaient a ecrire en connaissance de cause! l'ovnipresence de l'evaluation formative • Ecrire... a haute voix : integration de l'orthographe dans la production ecrite • Bon usage de l'erreur dans une didactique de l'orthographe • Observant l'aprenti-lecteur • Evaluation formative : faut-il mettre un bemol a la cle? • Interaction formative et regulation didactique • Renovation de l'enseignement du francais et evaluation formative, ou l'histoire d'une occasion manquee • Regulations metacognitives : quelle place pour l'eleve dans l'evaluation formative? • Evaluation formative integree dans la pedagogie du francais : de la necessite et de l'utilite de modeles de reference • Vers des demarches didactiques favorisant une regulation individualisee des apprentissages • Evaluation formative et didactique du francais : les raisons d'une convergencePublicação: Neuchatel : Delachaux Et Niestle, 1993Descrição: 268 p.Disponibilidade:
