Construir e ensinar : as ciencias sociais e a historia / compil. Mario Carretero Nível de parte analítica: Raciocinio e solucao de problemas com conteudo historico • Historia e relato • Explicacao causal de diferentes fatos historicos • Compreensao e ensino da causalidade historica • Construcao do conhecimento e ensino das ciencias sociais e da historia • Perspectivas disciplinares, cognitivas e didaticas no ensino das ciencias sociais e da historiaPublicação: Porto Alegre : Artes Medicas, 1997Descrição: 138 p.Disponibilidade:
Des idees au texte : psychologie cognitive de la production verbale, orale et ecrit / Michel Fayol Publicação: Paris : Puf, 1997Descrição: 288 p.Disponibilidade:
Chamados pelo nome : da importancia da efectividade na educacao da adolescencia / Joao Seco Publicação: Lisboa : Iie, 1997Descrição: 174 p.Disponibilidade:
Indisciplina : um signo geracional? / Daniel Sampaio Publicação: Lisboa : Iie, 1997Descrição: 35 p.Disponibilidade:
Cinza do tempo / Daniel Sampaio Publicação: Lisboa : Caminho, 1997Descrição: 211 p.Disponibilidade: : Biblioteca ISPA Retirado temporariamenteCota: E2 SAMP2 (1).
Advances in research on teaching. vol 6 - teaching and learning history / compil. Jere Brophy Nível de parte analítica: Issues and influences that shape the teaching of u.s history • Closing the gap between school and disciplinary history? historian as high school history teacher • Designing effective u.s. history curricula for all students • Constructing historical interpretations in elementary school : a look at process and product • Making learners and concepts central : a learner-centered, conceptual change approach to fifth-grade american history ... • I've never done this before : building a community of historical inquiry in a third-grade classroom • Narrative simplifications in elementary students historical thinking • Research and the improvement of school historyPublicação: Greenwich : Jai Press, 1996Descrição: 328 p.Disponibilidade:
Advances in research on teaching. vol 5 - learning and teaching elementary subjects / compil. Jere Brophy Nível de parte analítica: Collaboration in a professional culture : renegotiating barriers to improve practice • Similarities and contrasts between writing during a writer's workshop and writing in science : examining the teacher role • Powerful social studies : concepts that count? • Storytellers, scientists, and reformers in the teaching of u.s. history to fifth graders : three teachers, three .... • Power of friendships groups : teacher research as a critical literacy project for urban students • Changing the context for classroom reading instruction : the book club project • University personnel and k-5 teachers collaborate to improve the teaching and learning of literature • Old paths, new journeys : the search for the teacher in arts education research • 1990s curriculum reform : deja vu all over again?Publicação: Greenwich : Jai Press, 1995Descrição: 398 p.Disponibilidade:
Group and interactive learning / compil. H. Foot ; co-aut. C. Howe ; co-aut. A. Anderson ; co-aut. A. Tolmie ; co-aut. D. Warden Nível de parte analítica: Significance of group dynamics in peer tutoring in higher education • Social comparison of expertise : interactional patterns and dynamics of instruction • Stimulating the students : self-activation in the context of a cooperative learning setting • Task influences on spontaneous peer learning in the classroom • Does immediate group feedback of student's performance improve their learning experience? • Learning in co-acting groups : the role of social comparison and gender norms • Interactive learning : does social presence explain the results? • Task design : a neglected variable in the study of group work • Effects on students of structured cooperative learning • Assessment issues in group work • Learning from peer feedback marking : studentg and teacher perspectives • Social position and cognitive activity in second language production • Task dificulty and effectiveness of group work • Learning through relationships : a re-evaluation of waldorf education • Investigtion of factors essential for visually impaired graduates seeking equitable employment • Working with groups on sensitive issues • Learning cascade-strategies for stimulating cross-phase peer education • Do pairs of people cross cue each other so as to generate new information and produce more accurate memories? • Temporal effects of cooperative contact on children's attitudes toward disability • Peer interaction and communication skills in children with moderate learning difficulties • Psychology and environmental sciences via experimental learning • Interactive learning in an organisational intervention • Student tutoring and student mentoring • Students tutors perceptions of their cognitive and transferable skill development • Peer tutoring : toward a new model • Interactive learning approaches to road safety education : a review • New technology and team training • Case study approach to studying collaboration in primary science classrooms • Dialogue between a psychosocial and sociological peprspective on classroom learning • Developing pupils social skills for learning, social interaction and cooperation • Child's play : creative writing in playful environments • Conditions of acceptance of joint cognite tasks by preschool children • Children learning about friendship in the context of an english reception classroom • Initial experiences of student tutoring at the cardiff institute of higher education • Teaching adults : integrating theory and practice by a system of peer tutoring • Student tutoring : the research background • Paired learning : methods, organisation and evaluation • Cross year peer tutoring with law undergraduates • Co-operative learning using self and peer assessment in public international law • Learning about the learners : the impact of a peer tutoring scheme • Managing-resource based learning • Developing a learning organization at the university level • Supplemental instruction : a model for supporting student learning • Empirical projects and small group learning • Innovative approaches to learning in an applied psychology degree • Effects of peer evaluation on the behaviour of undergraduate students working in tutorless groups • Evaluation of a computer based case-study across two cultures : the uk and holland • Computer-directed group activity and the development of children's hypothesis testing skills • Using a multimedia cooperative toolkit for distance learning support • Gender differences in communicative style : possible consequences for the learning process • Gender perspective on collaborative working with science simulations • Laptops down under : the construction of knowledge at an australian college • Collaboration and discourse during computer-based problem solving • Interactivity at a distance : motivation and the distant learner • Advanced learning technology : where's the real support for learning? • Use of the computer as a therapeutic tool for children • Talking and learning : a preliminary investigation into productive interaction • Case studies of children cooperating with computers : a time based analysis • Gender and cognitive and affective aspects of cooperative learning • Planning, feedback and adult-intervention in computer-based learning • Is it beter to work with a peer, an adult or both? a systematic comparison with children aged 5, 7 and 11 years • Gender and the classroom computer : do girls lose out? • Group process vs group product in children's work at the computer • Bringing a constructivist approach to bear on evaluation • Computer networking and collaborative learning within a departmentally focused undergraduate course • Interactive computer-assisted reflective learning : a framework for categorizing interactions in reflective learning-.... • Incorporating peer-tutoring procedures into literacy programs for low-progress readers • Peer collaboration as situated activity : examples from research on scientific problem solvingPublicação: Southampton : Computational Mechanisms, 1994Descrição: 484 p.Disponibilidade: