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A sua pesquisa recuperou 2020 resultados.

Explorations en linguistique anglaise / compil. Andre Gauthier ; co-aut. Ruth Huart-Friedlander ; co-aut. Jean-Claude Sousesme ; co-aut. Viviane ArigneNível de parte analítica: Do, deux valeurs, une fonction • Nouveau regard sur les noms composes • Introduction. quelques points de repere pour l'enseignement de l'anglais • Shall et should, etude de modalitesPublicação: Berne : Peter Lang, 1989Descrição: 243 p.Disponibilidade:

Funcao social da linguagem fascista / Lutz WincklerPublicação: Lisboa : Estampa, 1978Descrição: 148 p.Disponibilidade:

Functional approaches to writing. research perspectives / compil. Barbara CoutureNível de parte analítica: What a functional approach to the writing task can show teachers about good writing • Writing in schools : generic structures as ways of meaning • Literacy and intonation • Applying a functional model of language in the writing classroom • Getting the theme across : a study of dominant function in the academic writing of university students • Global marking of rhetorical frame in text and reader evaluation • Static and dynamic cohesion : signals of thinking in writing • Clause relations and the writer's communicative task • Achieving impact through the interpersonal component • Text and context : how writers come to mean • Effective ideation in written text : a functional approach to clarity and exigence • Thematic distribution as a heuristic for written discourse function • Close cohesion with do so : a linguistic experiment in language function using a multi-example corpus • Ethnographic study of corporate writing : job status as reflected in written text • Bridging epistemologies and methodologies : research in written language functionPublicação: London : Frances Pinter, 1986Descrição: 271 p.Disponibilidade:

Into the mother tongue. a case study in early language development / Clare PainterPublicação: London : Frances Pinter, 1984Descrição: 271 p.Disponibilidade:

Communications non-verbales / Jacques CorrazePublicação: Paris : Puf, 1980Descrição: 223 p.Disponibilidade: :
Biblioteca ISPA Retirado temporariamenteCota: L CORR1 (1).

Before speech. the beginning of interpersonal communication / Margaret BullowaNível de parte analítica: Early tactile communication and the patterning of human organization : a new guinea case study • Communication and cooperation in early infancy : a description of primary intersubjectivity • Making sense of experience to make sensible sounds • Structure of early face-to-face communicative interactions • How wild chimpanzee babies trigger the onset of mother-infant play. and what the mother makes of it • Growth of shared understandings between infant and caregiver • Thickening thin data : the maternal role in developing communication and language • Communication starts with selective attention • One child's protolanguage • Blind infants and their mothers : an examination of the sign system • Mutual regulation of the neonatal-maternal interactive process : context for the • Neonatal entrainment and enculturation • Describing the structure of social interaction in infancy • Talking and playing with babies : the role of ideologies of child-reaeingPublicação: Cambridge : Cambridge Univ Press, 1980Descrição: 400 p.Disponibilidade:

Development of metalinguistic abilities in children / David HakesPublicação: Berlin : Springer-verlag, 1980Descrição: 119 p.Disponibilidade:

Children's oral communication skills / ed.. W. Patrick DicksonNível de parte analítica: Problem solving communication and complex information transmission in groups • Role of nonverbal behavior in children's communication • Assent and compliance in children's language • Rules and roles : the communication game and speaker-listener processes • What do they do at school any day : studing functional language • Timing and context in everyday discourse : implications for the study of referential and social meaning • Communication in small instructional groups : a sociolinguistic approach • Referential communication activities in research and in the curriculum : a metaanalysis • Children's understanding of inadequate messages and communication failure : a problem of ignorance or egocentrism? • Development of listener skills for referential communication • Development of informative messages in referential communication : knowing when versus knowing how • Training referential communication skills • Role of role-taking in children's referential communication • Comprehension monitoring • Cognitive monitoring • Communication skills and communicative competence : a neo-piagetian process-structural view • Introduction : toward an interdisciplinary conception of children's communication abilitiesPublicação: New York : Academic Press, 1981Descrição: 394 p.Disponibilidade:

Directions in sociolinguistics. the ethnography of communication / compil. John Gumperz ; co-aut. Dell HymesNível de parte analítica: Introduction • On the mechanism of linguistic change • Stylistic significance of consonantal sandhi in trukese and ponapean • Sociolinguistic approach to socialization - with some reference to educability • Ethnic processes on the pathan-baluch boundary • Domains and the relationship between micro- and macro-sociolinguistics • Social meaning in linguistic structure : code-switching in norway • Kinesic-linguistic exercise : the cigarette scene • Sequencing in conversational openings • On the analyzability of stories by children • Remarks on ethnomethodology • Social context and semantic feature : the russian pronominal usage • Context and alternation in koya kinship terminology • On sociolinguistic rules : alternation and co-occurrence • Riddles : expressive models of interrogation • Signifying and marking : two afro-american speech acts • Strategy of turkish boy's verbal dueling rhymes • Struck by speech : the yakan concept of litigation • Culture patterning of speech behavior in burundi • Models of the interaction of language and social life • IntroductionPublicação: New York : Blackwell, 1986Descrição: 598 p.Disponibilidade:

Behavior management in the schools. principles and procedures / Richard WielkiewiczPublicação: New York : Pergamon Press, 1986Descrição: 267 p.Disponibilidade:

Imitation et communication entre jeunes enfants / Jacqueline NadelNível de parte analítica: PrefacePublicação: Paris : Puf, 1986Descrição: 250 p.Disponibilidade: :
Biblioteca ISPA Retirado temporariamenteCota: L NADE1 (1).

Femmes et le langage. representations sociales d'une difference / Verena AebischerPublicação: Paris : Puf, 1985Descrição: 200 p.Disponibilidade:

Conceito de texto / Umberto EcoPublicação: Sao Paulo : Port Liv Tec E Cient, 1984Descrição: 212 p.Disponibilidade: :
Biblioteca ISPA Retirado temporariamenteCota: L ECO2 (1).

Aquisicao da linguagem / Marc RichellePublicação: Lisboa : Socicultur, 0Descrição: 249 p.Disponibilidade: :
Biblioteca ISPA Retirado temporariamenteCota: L RICH1A (2).

Curso de linguistica geral / Ferdinand SaussurePublicação: Lisboa : Dom Quixote, 1977Descrição: 392 p.Disponibilidade:

Introduction a la semantique / Adam SchaffPublicação: [S.l.] : Union Generale D'editions, 1960Descrição: 445 p.Disponibilidade:

Informacao, linguagem, comunicacao / Decio PignatariPublicação: [S.l.] : Perspectiva, 1976Descrição: 143 p.Disponibilidade: :
Biblioteca ISPA Retirado temporariamenteCota: L PIGN1 (1).

Langage et developpement mental / Pierre OleronPublicação: [S.l.] : Dessart, 1972Descrição: 299 p.Disponibilidade:
