A sua pesquisa recuperou 6607 resultados.

Organização de intervenções preventivas : gestão de problemas de sáude em meio escolar / coord. Hilson Cunha Filho, Carina Ferreira Borges, Maria Antónia FrasquilhoNível de parte analítica: avaliação de projectos de prevenção • Desenvolvimento de projectos de prevenção • Intervenções de saúde em meio escolar • Promoção da saúde : uma questão de valoresPublicação: Lisboa : Coisas de Ler, 2008Descrição: 189 p.Disponibilidade:

O currículo nos limiares do contemporâneo / org. Marisa Vorraber CostaNível de parte analítica: Currículo : têndencias e filosofia • Currículo e ciências : as especificidades pedagógicas do ensino de ciências • Leitura, literatura e currículo • Currículo e história : uma conexão radical • O currículo e as diferenças sexuais e de gênero • O currículo e as diferençlas sexuais e de gênero • Etbia, raça e nação : o currículo e a construção de fronteirase posições sociais • Currículo e política cultural • A crise da teoria curricular críticaPublicação: Rio de Janeiro : DP&A, 2003Descrição: 176 p.Disponibilidade:

O jogo como espaço para pensar : a construção de noções lógicas e aritméticas / Rosely Palermo BrenelliPublicação: Campinas : Papirus, 2003Descrição: 208 p.Disponibilidade:

Hidden literacies : children learning at home and at school / Margaret M. VossPublicação: Portsmouth : Heinemann, 1996Descrição: 220 p.Disponibilidade:

Executive control processes in reading / ed. Bruce K. Britton, Shawn M. GlynnPublicação: Hillsdale : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1987Descrição: 310 pDisponibilidade:

L'art de lire / José MoraisPublicação: Paris : Editions Odile Jacob, 1994Descrição: 362 p.Disponibilidade:

Readings in managerial psychology / ed. Harold J. Leavitt, Louis R. Pondy, David M. BojeNível de parte analítica: Strategies for survival : how organizations cope with their worlds • Beyond management and the worker : the institutional function of management • Linking pins between organizatons and environment (individuals do the interacting) • Type Z organization : stability in the midst of mobility • Stories managers tell : a new tool for organizational problem solving • Symbols, patterns, and settings, an optimistic case for getting things done • Improving organizational communication through long-term intergroup intervention • Optimizing team-building efforts • The organizational saga on higher education • Organization design : organization as self-designing systems • On the design part of organizational design • The technology of foolishness • Managerial work : analysis from observation • The bureaucratic paradox : the efficient organization centralizes in order to decentralize • How the top is different • The absorption of protest • Organizational conflict : concepts and models • Making a horse out of a camel : a contingency model for managing the problem-solving process in groups • Groupthink • Management development as a process of influence • Sources of power of lower participants in complex organizations • Who gets power - and how they hold on to it : a strategic-contingency model of power • Power tactics • Female leadership in formal organizations : must the female leader go formal? • A normative model of leadership style • The human side of enterprise • Intercultural communication : a guide to men of action • On the dynamics of the helping relationship • Defensive communication • Management and the art of chinese baseball • A therapist's view of the good life : the fully functioning person • Personality vs. organization • Behavior modification : a contigency approach to employee performance • Training the woman to know her place : the power of a nonconscious ideology • Achieving change in people : some aplications of group dynamics theory • The rationalizing animal • Emotional blocks • The science of muddling through • Hoe managers minds work • Two sides of the brain • A new strategy for job enrichment • Power is the great motivator • Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation • A theory of human motivationPublicação: Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 1980Descrição: 731 p.Disponibilidade:

Local literacies : reading and writing in one community / David Barton, Mary HamiltonPublicação: London : Routledge, 1998Descrição: 299 p.Disponibilidade:

Hologramas da consciência : a espiritualidade, a psicologia e o transpessoal / João da FonsecaPublicação: Lisboa : ISPA, 2010Descrição: 63 p.Disponibilidade:

A cor que eu mais gosto é o cor-de-rosa assim-assim / Isabel AndreaPublicação: Lisboa : ISPA, 2010Descrição: 49 p.Disponibilidade:

The psychology of evaluation : affective processes in cognition and emotion / ed. Jochen Musch, Karl Christopher KlauerNível de parte analítica: Motor compatibility : the bidirectional link between behavior and evaluation • The parallel worlds of affective concepts and feelings • What is primed by emotion concepts and emotion words? • Putting process into personality, apparaisal, and emotion : evaluative processing as a missing link • Beyond verbal self-report : priming methods in relationship research • A structural analysis of inderect measures of attitudes • The Hedonic marking of of processing fluency : implications for evaluative judgment • The constructive nature of automatic evaluation • On the acquisition and activation of evaluative information in memory : the study of evaluative learning and affective priming combined • The hidden vicissitudes of the priming paradigm in evaluative judgment research • Reverse priming : implications for the (un) conditionality of automatic evaluation • The meddling-in of affective information : a general model of automatic evaluation effects • Affective priming : findings and theories • The psychology of evaluation : an introductionPublicação: Mahwah : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2003Descrição: 411 p.Disponibilidade:

Investigação qualitativa em educação : uma introdução à teoria e aos métodos / Robert Bogdan, Sari BiklenPublicação: Porto : Porto Editora, 1994Descrição: 336 p.Disponibilidade:

Contemporary perspectives on reading and spelling / ed. Clare Wood, Vincent ConnellyNível de parte analítica: Teaching children with severe learning difficulties : routes to word recognition using logopraphic symbols • The cerebellar deficit theory of developmental dyslexia : evidence and implications for intervention • Does type of reading instruction have an influence on how readers process print? • Enhancing word reading, spelling and reading comprehension skills with synthetic phonics teaching : studies in Scotland and England • Metalinguistic and subcharacter skills in chinese literacy acquisition • Using spelling knowledge in a word game • do bilingual beginning readers activate the grapheme-phoneme correspondences of their two languages when reading in one language? • How do children and adults conceptualise phoneme-letter relationships • Reading and spelling development in transparent alphabetic orthographies : points of convergence, divergence and arising issues • What spelling errors have to tell about vocabulary learning • Viewing spelling in a cognitive context: underlying representations and processes • The acquisition of spelluing patterns • Children's reading comprehension difficulties : a consideration of the precursors and consequences • Acquiring vomplex reading skills : an exploration of dissylabic reading • Auditory processing and developmental dyslexia : throwing the baby out with the bathwater? • Phonological awareness : beyond phonemes • Comtemporary perspectives on reading and spellingPublicação: Routledge : London, 2009Descrição: 292 p.Disponibilidade:

Handbook of research on literacy and diversity / ed. Lesley Mandel Morrow, Robert Rueda, Diane LappNível de parte analítica: Afterword : from just a teacher to justice in teaching - working in the service of education, the new civil right • Professional development : continuing to understand how to teach children from diverse backgrounds • Protecting out investment : induction and mentoring of novice teachers in diversity-rich schools • Teacher knowledge in culturally and linguistically complex classrooms : lessons from the golden age and beyond • Helping diverse learnes to become fluent readers • Comprehension : the means, motive, and opportunity for metting the needs of diverse learners • Vocabulary Instruction for diverse students • learning to read in English : teaching phonics to beginning readers from diverse backgrounds • Cross-language transfer of phonological, orthographic, and semantic knowledge • Meeting the needs of diverse learners : effective management of language arts instruction • Assessing student progress in the time of no child left behind • Robust informal learning environments for youth from nondominant groups : implications for literacy learning in formal schooling • Roles of engagement, valuing, and identification in reading development of students from diverse backgrounds • Every child must be visible if we are to succeed as a world-class nation • Engaging diverse students in multiple literacies in and outb of school • Academic english and african american vernacular english : exploring possibilities for promoting the literacy learning of all children • Language, literacy, and content : adolescent english language learners • Poverty and its relation to development and literacy • Family literacy : recognizing cultural significance • Family literacy : recognizing cultural significance • What do we know about the discourse patterns of diverse students in multiple settings? • Policy related to issues of diversity and literacy : implications for english learners • Relating diversity and literary theory • Every child must be visible if we are to succeed as a world-class nationPublicação: New York : The Guilford Press, 2009Descrição: 464 p.Disponibilidade:

Handbook of motivation at school / ed. Kathryn R. Wentzel, Allan WigfieldNível de parte analítica: Commentary : what can we learn from a synthesis of research on teaching, learning, and motivation? • Teacher's self-efficacy beliefs • Motivation and learning disabilities • Emotions at school • Motivation and achievement in physical education • Understanding motivation in mathematics : what is happening in classrooms? • Reading motivation • Beliefs about learning in academic domains • Commentary : the role o environment in contextual and social influences on motivation : generalities, specificities, and causality • Achievement motivation in racial and ethnic context • Gender and motivation • School as a context of student motivation and achievement • Teacher expectations and self-fulfilling prophecies • Peers and motivation • Students relationships with teachers as motivationaol contexts • Parenting and children's motivation at school • Commentary : building on a strong foundation : five pathways to the next level of motivational theorizing • Motives to self-regulate learning : a social cognitive account • Engagement and disaffection as organizational constructs in the dynamics of motivational development • Situational and individual interest • Promoting self-determined school engagement : motivation, learning, and well-being • Self-worth theory : retrospection and prospects • Self-theories and motivation : students beliefs about intelligence • Goal-directed behavior in the classroom • Achievement goal theory : the past, present and future • Expectancy-value theory • Self-efficacy theory • An attributional approach to motivation in schoolPublicação: New York : Routledge, 2009Descrição: 686 p.Disponibilidade:

Classroom motivation / Eric M. Anderman, Lynley Hicks AndermanPublicação: Columbus : Pearson, 2010Descrição: 222 p.Disponibilidade:

Early literacy work with families : policy, practice & research / Cathy Nutbrown, Peter Hannon, Anne MorganPublicação: London : Thousand Oaks, 2005Descrição: 200 p.Disponibilidade:

Motivation and self-regulated learning : theory, research, and applications / ed. Dale H. Schunk, Barry J. ZimmermanNível de parte analítica: The motivational roles of cultural differences and cultural identity in self-regulated learning • Gender, self-regulation, and motivation • The motivational role of adaptative help seeking in self-regulated learning • The weave of motivation and self-regulated learning • Goal setting : a key proactive source of academic self-regulation • Attributions as motivators of self-regulated learning • Understanding and promoting : autonomous self-regulation : a self-determination theory perspective • Work habits and self-regulated learning : helping students to find a will from a way • The role of achievement values i the regulation of achievement behaviors • Promoting self-regulated learning : a motivational analysis • Motivational role of self-efficacy beliefs in self-regulated learning • Interests and self-regulation : relationships between two variables that influence learning • Self-regulation of achievement goal pursuit • Self-theories motivate self-regulated learning • Motivation : an essential dimension of self-regulated learningPublicação: New York : Routledge, 2009Descrição: 416 p.Disponibilidade:

Quando falam as professoras alfabetizadorasPublicação: Rio de Janeiro : DP&A, 2002Descrição: 156 p.Disponibilidade: :
