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A sua pesquisa recuperou 2677 resultados.

Invertegrate zoology. 6 ed. / Edward Ruppert, co-aut. Robert BarnesPublicação: South Melbourne : Brooks / Cole, 1994Descrição: 1056 p.Disponibilidade:

Fishes : an introduction to ichthyology. 4 ed. / Peter Moyle, co-aut. Joseph, Jr. CechPublicação: Upper Saddle River : Prentice Hall, 2000Descrição: 612 p.Disponibilidade:

Animal experimentation : a guide to the issues / Vaughan MonamyPublicação: Cambridge : Cambridge University, 2000Descrição: 110 p.Disponibilidade:

Coral reef fishes : dynamics and diversity in a complex ecosystem / compil. Peter SalePublicação: Amsterdam : Academic Press, 2002Descrição: 549 p.Disponibilidade:

Larvae of temperate australian fishes : laboratory guide for larval fish identification / compil. Francisco Neira ; co-aut. Anthony Miskkiewicz ; co-aut. Thomas TrnskiPublicação: Nedlands : University Western Australia, 1998Descrição: 474 p.Disponibilidade:

Anthropomorphism, anecdotes, and animals / compil. Robert Mitchell ; co-aut. Nicholas Thompson ; co-aut. H. MilesNível de parte analítica: Athropomorphism and anecdotes : a guide for the perplexed • Anthropomorphism, apes and language • Pinnipeds, popoises, and parsimony : animal language research viewed from a bottom-up perspective • Anthropocentrism and the study of animal language • Anthropomorphism in the null hypothesis and recapitulation in the bogeyman in comparative developmental evolutionary... • Animal cognition versus animal thinking : the anthropomorphic error • Cognitive ethology : slayers, skeptics, and preponents • Anthromorphism, anecdotes, and mirrors • Phenomenological approach to the study of nonhuman animals • Amending tinbergen : a fith aim for ethology • Common sense and the mental lives of animals : an empirical approach • Silent partners? observations on some systematic relations among observer perspective, theory, and behavior • Self-awareness, with specific references to coleoid cephalopods • Expressions of mind in animal behavior • Varieties of purposive behavior • Pragmatic approach to the inference of animal mind • Anthromorphic anecdotalism as method • What's the use of anedoctes? distinguishing psychological mechanisms in primate tactical deception • Anedocte, anthropomorphism, and animal behavior • Anthropomorphism in mother-infant interaction : cultural imperative of scientific acumen? • Anthropomorphism and scientific evidence for animal mental states • Panmorphism • Anthropomorphism and the evolution of social intelligence : a comparative approach • Why anthropomorphize? folk psychology and other stories • Anthropomorphism : a definition and a theory • Amorphism, mechanomorphism, and anthropomorphism • Why anthropomorphism in not methaphor : crossing concepts and cultures in animal behavior studies • Dogs, darwinism, and english sensibilities • Taking anthropomorphism and anecdotes seriouslyPublicação: Albany : State University Of New York, 1997Descrição: 518 p.Disponibilidade:

Animal minds : beyond cognition to consciousness / Donald GriffinPublicação: Chicago : University Of Chicago, 2001Descrição: 355 p.Disponibilidade:

Animal cognition in nature : the convergence of psychology and biology in laboratory and field / compil. Russell Balda ; co-aut. Irene Pepperberg ; co-aut. Alan KamilNível de parte analítica: Varying views of animal and human cognition • Cognitive abilities of araneophagic jumping spiders • African frey parrot : how cognitive processing might affect allospecificvocal learning • Causes of avian song : using neurobiology to integrate proximate and ultimate levels of analysis • Songbird song reportoires : an ethological approach to studying cogniton • Hierarchical learning, development and representation of song • Cognitive processes in avian vocal acquisition • Cognitive implications of an information-sharing model of animal communication • Neuroethology of avian navigation • Navigation system of birds and its development • Spatial cognition : lessons from central-place foraging insects • Memory and the hippocampus in food-storing birds • Adaptative specializations of spatial cognition in food-storing birds? approaches to testing a comparative hypothesis • Ecology and evolution of spatial memory in corvids of the southwestern usa : the perplexing pinyon jay • On the proper definition of cognitive ethologyPublicação: San Diego : Academic Press, 1998Descrição: 465 p.Disponibilidade:

Advances in the study of behavior / compil. Peter Slater ; co-aut. Jay Rosenblatt ; co-aut. Charles Snowdon ; co-aut. Timothy RoperPublicação: San Diego : Academic Press, 2001Descrição: 321 p.Disponibilidade:

Animal behavior. 7 ed. / John AlcockPublicação: Sunderland : Sinauer Associates, 2001Descrição: 543 p.Disponibilidade:

In nature's interests? interests, animal rights, and environmental ethics / Gary VarnerPublicação: Oxford : Oxford University, 1998Descrição: 154 p.Disponibilidade:
Biblioteca ISPA Retirado temporariamenteCota: ET VARN1 (1).

Advances in the study of behavior / compil. Peter Slater ; co-aut. Jay Rosenblatt ; co-aut. Charles Snowdon ; co-aut. Timothy RoperPublicação: San Diego : Academic Press, 2000Descrição: 306 p.Disponibilidade:

Humanson's animal tissue techniques. 5 ed. / Janice Presnell, co-aut. Martin SchreibmanPublicação: Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University Press, 1997Descrição: 572 p.Disponibilidade:

Behavioral neurobiology : the cellular organization of natural behavior / Thomas CarewPublicação: Sunderland : Sinauer, 2000Descrição: 435 p.Disponibilidade:

Island biogeography : ecology, evolution, and conservation / Robert WhittakerPublicação: Oxford : Oxford University, 2001Descrição: 285 p.Disponibilidade:

Guide des poissons de la mediterranee : vie, moeurs et principaux peuplements des especes littorales / Mireille Harmelin-Vivien, co-aut. Jean-Georges HarmelinPublicação: Lausanne : Delachaux Et Niestle, 1999Descrição: 144 p.Disponibilidade:

Biology of soft shores and estuaries / Colin LittlePublicação: Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2000Descrição: 252 p.Disponibilidade:

Larvae of indo-pacific coastal fishes : an identification guide to marine fish larvae / Jeffrey Leis, co-aut. Brooke Carson-EwartPublicação: Leiden : Brill, 2000Descrição: 850 p.Disponibilidade:

Fauna y flora del mar mediterraneo : una guia sistematica para biologos e naturalistas / Rupert RiedlPublicação: Barcelona : Omega, 1986Descrição: 857 p.Disponibilidade:

Handbook of the marine fauna of north-west europe / compil. P. Hayward ; co-aut. J. RylandPublicação: Oxford : Oxford University, 2000Descrição: 800 p.Disponibilidade:
