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Interrrelationships of fishes / compil. Melanie Stiassny ; co-aut. Lynne Parenti ; co-aut. G. Johnson

Ligado a: Orphology, characters, and the interrelationships of basal sarcopterygiansLigado a: Phylogenetic significance of the pectoral-pelvic fin association in acanthomorph fishes : a reassessment using ....Ligado a: Basal ctenosquamate relationships and the interrelationships of the myctophiform, scopelomorph, fishesLigado a: Interrrelationships of aulopiformesLigado a: Interrrelationships of stomiiform fishesLigado a: Relationships of lower euteleostean fishesLigado a: Interrelationships of ostariophysan fishes, teleosteiLigado a: Clupeomorpha, sister-group of ostariophysiLigado a: Interrelationships of elomorph fishesLigado a: Phylogeny of osteoglossomorphaLigado a: Teleostean monophylyLigado a: Interrelationships of basal neopterygiansLigado a: Interrelationships of acipensiformes, with comments on chondrosteiLigado a: Interrelationships of the batoid fishes, chondrichthyes : batoideaLigado a: Higher-level elasmobranch phylogeny, basal squaleans and paraphylyLigado a: Phylogenetic interrelationships of neoselachians, chondrichthyes : euselachiiLigado a: Annotated biliography of the work of colin pattersonAutor secundário: Stiassny, Melanie;Parenti, Lynne;Johnson, G.Publicação: San Diego : Academic Press, 1996Descrição: 496 p.Assunto - Nome comum: Etologia Classificação: 2400 - Psicologia Experimental Animal / Psicologia Comparativa Recursos em linha:Clicar aqui para aceder online Tipo de documento:
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Livro Livro Biblioteca ISPA ET RESERVADO Disponível 11035

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