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Comparative psychology : a handbook / eds. Gary Greenberg ; Maury M. Haraway
Ligado a: Tool useLigado a: Self-recognition in nonhuman primatesLigado a: Language in animalsLigado a: Honey bee dance language controversyLigado a: Counting behaviorLigado a: Cognition in animalsLigado a: Approaches to the study of cognitionLigado a: Vertebrate sexual behaviorLigado a: Tonic immobilityLigado a: Territorial defenseLigado a: TerritorialityLigado a: Shoaling and schooling behavior of fishesLigado a: Psychobiology of parental behavior in mammalsLigado a: PlayLigado a: Peacemaking in primatesLigado a: Locomotor behavior and physical realityLigado a: Laboratory simulations of foragingLigado a: Homing and related phenomenaLigado a: Handedness in animalsLigado a: Habitat selectionLigado a: Grooming behavior of primatesLigado a: ForagingLigado a: Defensive behaviorsLigado a: Curiosity and exploratory behaviorLigado a: CourtshipLigado a: Agonistic behaviorLigado a: AggressionLigado a: Tradition and imitation in animalsLigado a: Sexual learningLigado a: Prenatal ontogeny of sensory responsiveness and learningLigado a: Operant conditioningLigado a: ImprintingLigado a: Discrimination learning set and transferLigado a: Conditioned taste aversionsLigado a: Conditioned preferencesLigado a: Comparative analyses of learningLigado a: Classical conditioningLigado a: Bird song developmentLigado a: Attachment in mammalsLigado a: WolvesLigado a: Squirrel foraging behaviorLigado a: SnakesLigado a: Siamese fighting fishLigado a: Sea turtlesLigado a: OrangutansLigado a: Old world monkeysLigado a: New world primatesLigado a: Mountain sheepLigado a: Marsupial behaviorLigado a: Gibbons : the singing apesLigado a: Escape and avoidance in fishesLigado a: Drosophila behavior and ecologyLigado a: Domesticated ruminant behaviorLigado a: Dogs in service to humansLigado a: Cognitive capacities of birdsLigado a: Chimpazee behavior : a comparative cognitive perspectiveLigado a: Cephalopod behaviorLigado a: Biopsychology of lizard reproductive behaviorLigado a: Alleviating fear in poultryLigado a: Visual perceptionLigado a: SleepLigado a: Physiology of animal behaviorLigado a: Mammalian pheromonesLigado a: Hormones and behaviorLigado a: HearingLigado a: Chemical sensesLigado a: Biological rhythmsLigado a: Research in zoos and aquariumsLigado a: Open-field proceduresLigado a: Multivariate latent variable modelsLigado a: Comparative methods in behavioral studiesLigado a: Behavior-generic analysisLigado a: Apparatus in comparative psychologyLigado a: Thermodynamics, evolution, and behaviorLigado a: Teaching considered as behaviorLigado a: Stimulus-seeking behaviorLigado a: Species-typical behaviorLigado a: SociobiologyLigado a: Rodent models of behaviorLigado a: MotivationLigado a: Lloyd morgan's canonLigado a: Integrative levelsLigado a: InstinctLigado a: Individual differencesLigado a: HomologyLigado a: Gibsonian theory in comparative psychologyLigado a: EpigenesisLigado a: Dynamical systems and dialectical processes in development and evolutionLigado a: Developmental contextualismLigado a: Behavioral ecologyLigado a: Approach/withdrawal theoryLigado a: AnthropomorphismLigado a: AnagenesisLigado a: Allometry and comparative psychologyLigado a: International perspectives on comparative psychologyLigado a: Historical and philosophical foundations of comparative psychologyLigado a: History of comparative psychology : euro-marxiste perspectivesLigado a: History of comparative psychology in biographical sketchesIdioma: Inglês.País: Estados Unidos, New York.Publicação: New York : Garland Publishing, 1998Descrição: 914 p.ISBN: 0815312814.Assunto - Nome comum: Etologia Classificação: 2400 - Psicologia Experimental Animal / Psicologia Comparativa Recursos em linha:Clicar aqui para aceder online Tipo de documento:Tipo de documento | Biblioteca | Cota | Estado | Data de devolução | Código de barras | |
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Biblioteca ISPA | ET GREE/G1 | Disponível | 11111 |
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