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Seagrasse : monitoring, ecology, physiology, and management / compil. Stephen Bortone
Ligado a: Matching salinity metrics to estuarine seagrasses for freshwater inflow managementLigado a: Seagrass restoration in tampa bay : a resource-based approach to estuarine managementLigado a: Seagrass ecosystem characteristics, research, and management needs in the florida big bendLigado a: Scaling submersed plant community responses to experimental nutrient enrichmentLigado a: Observations on the regrowth of subaquatic vegetation following transplantation : a potential method to assess ...Ligado a: Seagrass bed recovery after hydrological restoration in a coastal lagoon with grounderwater discharges in the north ...Ligado a: Reciprocal transplanting of the threatened seagrass halophila johnsonii johnson's seagrass in the indian river ....Ligado a: Long-term trends in seagrass beds in the mosquito lagoon and northern banana river, floridaLigado a: Monitoring seagrass changes in indian river lagoon, florida used fixed transectsLigado a: Monitoring the effects of construction and operation of a marina on the seagrass halophila decipiens in fort ....Ligado a: Monitoring submerged aquatic vegetation in hillsborough bay, floridaLigado a: Establishing baseline seagrass parameters in a small estuarine bayLigado a: Development and use of an epiphyte photo-index -epi- for assessing epiphyte loadingson the seagrass halodule wrightiiLigado a: Effects of the disposal of reveerse osmosis seawater desalination discharges on a seagrass meadow thalassia ....Ligado a: Experimental studies on the salinity tolerance of turtle grass, thalassia testudinumLigado a: Tape grass life history metrics associated with environmental variables in a controlled estuaryLigado a: Effects of dock height on light irradiance, par, and seagrass halodule wrightii and syringodium filiforme coverLigado a: Somatic, respiratory, and photosynthetic responses of the seagrasse halodulo wrightii to light to light reduction ...Ligado a: Establishing light requirements for the seagrass thalassia testudinum : an example from tampa bay, floridaLigado a: Seagrasse ecology and management : an introductionPublicação: Boca Raton : Crc, 2000Descrição: 318 p.Assunto - Nome comum: Etologia Classificação: 2400 - Psicologia Experimental Animal / Psicologia Comparativa Recursos em linha:Clicar aqui para aceder online Tipo de documento:Não há comentários disponíveis sobre este título.
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