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Introducing psychological research : seventy studies that shape psychology. 2 ed. / compil. Philip Banyard ; co-aut. Andrew Grayson
Ligado a: How asian teachers polish each lesson to perfectionLigado a: Effects of loud and soft reprimands on behavior of disruptive studentsLigado a: Nursery rhymes, phonological skills and readingLigado a: Jigsaw groups and the desegregated classroom : in persuit of common goalsLigado a: Sex differences in learned helplessness . ii. the contingencies of evaluative feedback in the classroom ...Ligado a: Teachers expectancies : determinants of pupils iq gainsLigado a: Phamtom limbsLigado a: Effects of choice and ennhanced personal responsability for the aged : a field experiment in an institutional settingLigado a: Association of specific overt behavior pattern with blood cardivascularLigado a: Uncertainty and the lives of persons with aidsLigado a: Role of coping responses and social resources in attenuating the stress of life eventsLigado a: Social re-adjustment rating scaleLigado a: Retrieval time from semantic memoryLigado a: Minds, brains and programsLigado a: Does the autistic child have a theory of mindLigado a: Faces that launched a thousand slips : everyday difficulties and errors in recognizing peopleLigado a: Recognizing the sex of a walker from adynamic point-light displayLigado a: Listening with one earLigado a: Pictorial perception and cultureLigado a: Visual cliffLigado a: Information available in brief visual presentationsLigado a: Levels of processing : a framework for memory researchLigado a: Reconstruction of automobile destruction : an example of the interaction between language and memoryLigado a: Remembering : a study in experimental and social psychologyLigado a: Logic of nonstandard englishLigado a: Four-month-old infants prefer to listen to motherLigado a: Neonate movement is synchronized with adult speech : interactional participation and language acquisitionLigado a: Conditioned emotional reactionsLigado a: Asking only one question in the conservation experimentLigado a: Analysis of a phobia of a five-year-old boyLigado a: Transmission of aggression through imitation of agressive modelsLigado a: Two moral orientations : gender differences and similaritiesLigado a: Child as a moral philosopherLigado a: Behaviour of newborn children in two different culturesLigado a: Severe deprivation in twins : a case studyLigado a: Social and family relationships of ex-institutional adolescentsLigado a: Love in infant monkeysLigado a: Why are children in the same family so different from one another?Ligado a: Comparison of the personal constructs of management in new and experienced managersLigado a: Fallacy of personal validation : a classroom demonstration of gullibilityLigado a: Fear today, gone tomorrowLigado a: Case of multiple personalityLigado a: On being sane in insane placesLigado a: Extended self. rethinking the so-called negro self-conceptLigado a: Black is beautiful : a re-examination of racial preference and indentificationLigado a: Nation of moronsLigado a: Measurement of psychological androgynyLigado a: Through the looking glass of menarche : what the adolescent girl seesLigado a: Gender reference terms : separating the women from the girlsLigado a: Brain abnormalities in murderers indicatedLigado a: To sleep, perchance to dreamLigado a: Brain of two halvesLigado a: Population density and social pathologyLigado a: Curious behaviour of the stickebackLigado a: Fourty years of rhesus researchLigado a: Teaching sign language to a chimpazeeLigado a: Failure to escape traumatic shockLigado a: Pigeons in a pelikanLigado a: College sophomores in the laboratory : influences of a narrow data base on psychology's view of human natureLigado a: On the social psychology of the psychological experiment : with particular reference to demand characteristics and ...Ligado a: How people interact in conferencesLigado a: Experiments in group conflictLigado a: Experiments in intergroup discriminationLigado a: Changing our mindsLigado a: Attitudes vs. actionsLigado a: Nigel lawson's tent : discourse analysis, attribution theory and the social psychology of factLigado a: Behavior as seen by the actor and as seen by the observerLigado a: Study of prisoners and guards in a simulated prisonLigado a: Behavioral study of obedienceLigado a: Good samaritanism : an underground phenomenon?Ligado a: Opinions and social pressurePublicação: New York : Palgrave, 2000Descrição: 531 p.Assunto - Nome comum: Psicologia Geral Classificação: 2100 - Psicologia Geral Recursos em linha:Clicar aqui para aceder online Tipo de documento:Tipo de documento | Biblioteca | Cota | Estado | Data de devolução | Código de barras | |
Indefinido | Biblioteca ISPA | P1 BANY2 | Disponível | 13324 |
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