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Big five assessment / ed. Boele de Raad, Marco Perugini

Ligado a: The professional personality questionnaireLigado a: The MMPI-2 personality psychopathology-Five (PSY-5) scales and the five factor modelLigado a: A big five scoring system for the adjective check listLigado a: Second-order factor structure of the Cattell sixteen personality factor questionnaireLigado a: Zuckerman-Kuhlman Personality questionnaire (ZKPQ) : an alternative five-factorial modelLigado a: The six factor personality questionnaireLigado a: The hogan personality inventoryLigado a: Japanese adjective list for the big fiveLigado a: The big five marker scales (BFMS) and the Italian ABC taxonomy : analysis from an etic-emic perspectiveLigado a: The interpersonal adjective scales : big five version (IASR-B5)Ligado a: The traits personality questionnaire (TPQue)Ligado a: The global personality inventory (GPI)Ligado a: The nonverbal assessment of personality : the NPQ and the FF-NPQLigado a: The structured interview for the five factor model of personality (SIFFM)Ligado a: Assessing children's traits with the hierarchical personality inventory for childrenLigado a: Studies of the big five questionnaireLigado a: The big-five factor personality inventory : assessing the big five by means of brief and concrete statementsLigado a: Validity and utility of the revised NEO personality inventory : examples from EuropeLigado a: Assessing the big five : applications of 10 psychometric criteria to the development of marker scalesLigado a: Big five factor assessment : introductionAutor secundário: de Raad, Boele, ed.;Perugini, Marco, ed.Idioma: Inglês.País: Reino Unido.Publicação: Seattle : Hogrefe & Huber Publishers, 2002Descrição: 491 p.ISBN: 088937242X.Assunto - Nome comum: Psicométricas | Modelo dos 5 factores de Personalidade | Personalidade | Medidas da Personalidade | Avaliação Psicológica | Instrumentos | Escalas | Questionários Classificação: 2220 - Testes de Avaliação Psicológica | 2223 - Inventários e Escalas de Personalidade Recursos em linha:Clicar aqui para aceder online Tipo de documento:
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