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Birds of two worlds : the ecology and evolution of migration / ed. Russell Greenberg, Peter P. Marra

Ligado a: The renaissance of migratory bird biology : a synthesisLigado a: Long-term demographic trends, limitings factors, and the strength of density dependence in a breeding population of a migratory songbirdLigado a: Does winter food limit populations of migratiry birds?Ligado a: How do migration and dispersal interact?Ligado a: Using remote sensing data to identify migration and wintering areas and to analyse effects of environmental conditions on migratory birdsLigado a: Modeling seasonal interactions in the populations dynamics of migratory bidsLigado a: Correlated evoliution of ecological differences among the old world leaf warblers in the breeding and nonbreeding seasonsLigado a: Ecological correlates of wintering social systems in new world and old world migratory passerinesLigado a: Spring molt constraints versus winter territoriality : is conspicious winter coloration maladaptive?Ligado a: sex roles in migrants : extra-pair mating systems and winter social systemsLigado a: Hormones and variation in life history strategies of migratory and nonmigratory birdsLigado a: Individual migratory tactics of new world catharus trushes : current knowledge and future tracking options from spaceLigado a: Fuel storage rates nefore Northward flights in red knots worldwide : facing the severest ecological constraint in tropical intertidal environments?Ligado a: Stopover ecology of intercontinental migrants : en route problems and consequences for reproductive performanceLigado a: Flying fingerprints :making connections with stable isotopes and trace elementsLigado a: Molecular genetic appraoches to linking breeding and overwintering areas in five neotropical migrant passerinesLigado a: Migrants and their parasites : a bridge between two worldsLigado a: The importance of understanding migratory connectivity and seasonal interactionsLigado a: The temporal and spatial structure of the atmosphere and its influence on bird migration strategiesLigado a: Seasonal disttribution and ecology of South American Austral migrant flycatchersLigado a: Old world versus new world long-distance migration in accipiters, buteos, and falcons : the interplay of migration ability and global biogeograpgyLigado a: Influence of migrants on temperate bird communities : a macroecological approachLigado a: Ecological and biogeographical aspects of the districution of migrants versus residents in european and north american forest bird communitiesLigado a: behavioral and cognitive adprtations to long-distance migrationLigado a: Food limitation among wintering birds : a view from adaptative body mass modelsLigado a: Ecology and demography of East-West differences in molt scheduling of neotropical migrante passerinesLigado a: To be a migrant : ecomorphological burdens and chancesLigado a: Migration takes guts : digestive physiology of migratory birds and its ecological significanceLigado a: Predicting migratory behavior in landbirdsLigado a: Inter- and intrapopulation migration patterns : ideas, evidence, ans research prioritiesLigado a: Siberian migratory dicides : the role od seasonal migration in speciationLigado a: Molecular approaches to the evolution and ecology of migrationAutor secundário: Greenberg, Russell, ed.;Marra, Peter P., ed.Idioma: Inglês.País: Estados Unidos.Publicação: Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005Descrição: 466 p.ISBN: 0801881072.Assunto - Nome comum: Biologia | Passaros | Ecologia | Migração | Teoria da Evolução | Biogeografia Classificação: 6000 - Ciências Biológicas Recursos em linha:Clicar aqui para aceder online Tipo de documento:
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