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Paradoxes of management and organization : short cases for pedagogical use / Miguel Pina e Cunha et al.

Ligado a: Complex managerial dilemmas : engaging with the XPCCLigado a: Public commitements toward sustainability : the case of ZARALigado a: Loaders, followers and pragmatic paradoxesLigado a: Stakeholdrism and its tensionsLigado a: Dangerously in love? : the case of FABLigado a: Individual exposure, elaboration, and somatization of competing institutional logics : the paradoxical case of Ivo Watts-RussellLigado a: The founder's shadow dilemmas : the case of Vista AlegreLigado a: Poseidon, by Frank KafkaLigado a: Johnson : paradoxical lessons on personal transformation and leadershipLigado a: Mondeléz Brazil : working from home : HRM Challenges for the new normalLigado a: The false mastery of paradox : the case of VolkswagenLigado a: Living the paradox of protection : the case of Flood ReLigado a: Anything is better than nothing : improvising resilience at the Diamond ResortLigado a: Together alone? : Mastering paradoxes within inter-organizational business model innovatopn settingsLigado a: For the love of cows : reaching stability in the face of changeLigado a: Addressing challenges of sustainability : the case of interface Inc.Ligado a: New opportunities during a pandemic : the case of Peter's Café SportLigado a: Café Swoop!Autor secundário: Cunha, Miguel Pina e, ed.;Van Dierendonk, Dirk, ed.;López, Anibal, ed.;Schad, Jonathan, ed.;Giustiniano, Luca, ed.;Gaim, Medhanie, ed.;Jarzabkowski, Paula, ed.;Raisch, Sebastian, ed.Idioma: Inglês.País: Portugal, Lisboa.Menção da edição: 1st edPublicação: Lisboa : Edições Sílabo, 2022Descrição: 141 p.ISBN: 9789865612390.Assunto - Nome comum: Psicologia Organizational Classificação: 3600 - Psicologia Organizacional | 3660 - Comportamento Organizacional Tipo de documento:
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