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Marine mammal welfare : human induced change in the marine environment and its impacts on marine mammal welfare / Andy Butterworth

Ligado a: Anthropogenic ocean change : the consummate threat to marine mammal welfareLigado a: Of poisons and plastics : an overview of the latest pollution issues affecting marine mammalsLigado a: Welfare implications of cetacean bycatch and entanglementsLigado a: From hunting to watching : human interactions with cetacenasLigado a: Welfare issues associated with small toothed whale hunts : an example, the druve hunt in Taiji, JapanLigado a: Din in the deep: noise in the ocean and its impacts on CetaceansLigado a: Evaluating the walfare implications of climate change for CetaceansLigado a: Managing the welfare of marine mammals at mass strandlings in Golden Bay, New ZealandLigado a: Social change in Cetacean populations resulting from human influencesLigado a: Cataceans in captivityLigado a: Cataceans in captivityLigado a: Assessing the welfare of cetaceaLigado a: The wellfare impact on Pinnepeds of marine debrisLigado a: Loss of habitat: impacts of Pinnepeds and their welfareLigado a: Welfare aspects of commercial hunting and climate changeLigado a: Assessing the welfare of PennipedsLigado a: Human interactions with Sirenians (manatees and dugongs)Ligado a: Impacts of marine debris and fisheries on SireniansLigado a: Impact of of climate change and loss of hebitat on SireniansLigado a: Sirenian health and well-being in managed curveLigado a: Assessing welfare of individual sirenians in the wild and in captivityLigado a: Human-polar bear interactions in a changing artic: existing and emerging concernsLigado a: Polar bears and sea ice habitat changeLigado a: Implications of rapid enviroment change for polar bear and socialityLigado a: Uncertainties in forecasting the response of polar bears to global climate changeLigado a: The harvest of polar bears across the Circumpolar NorthLigado a: Welfare of captive polar bear and their value to in situ conservation effortsLigado a: Monitoring the welfare of polar bears populations in a rapidly changing articLigado a: Effects on otters of pollution, fisheries equipment and water-borne debrisLigado a: Animal welfare issues pertaining to the trapping of otters for research, conservation, and furLigado a: Otters in captivityLigado a: Pathology of marine mammals: whar it can tell us about envinonment and wellfareLigado a: EpilogueAutor secundário: Butterworth, Andy, ed.Idioma: Inglês.País: .Publicação: Cham : Springer, 2017Descrição: 625 p.ISBN: 9783319469935.Assunto - Nome comum: Biologia marinha | Mamiferos marinhos | Bem estar animal | Ambiente | Impacto | Cetáceos | Urso polar | Focas | Cativeiro Classificação: 6110 - Biologia Animal Recursos em linha:Clicar aqui para aceder online Tipo de documento:
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