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Perspectives in ethology. vol 9 - human understanding and animal awareness / compil. P. Bateson ; co-aut. Peter Klopfer
Ligado a: Statistical analysis of circular dataLigado a: On the problem of bird navigationLigado a: Changing image of the hunt in western thoughtLigado a: Aggression in chimpazees : has it become more common, a literature survey of field studiesLigado a: Projects, routines, and enticements in dog-human playLigado a: Lessons from animal trainers : the effect of acoustic structure on an animal's responseLigado a: Learning to communicate : the effects of social interactionLigado a: Differing visions of the human-animal relationship : ambiguity in legal doctrineLigado a: Disambiguating anthropomorphism : an interdisciplinary reviewLigado a: Reflective ethology, applied philosophy, and the moral status of animalsPublicação: New York : Plenum Press, 1991Descrição: 314 p.Assunto - Nome comum: Etologia Classificação: 2400 - Psicologia Experimental Animal / Psicologia Comparativa Recursos em linha:Clicar aqui para aceder online Tipo de documento:Não há comentários disponíveis sobre este título.
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