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Biochemistry and molecular biology of fishes. vol 3 - analytical techniques / compil. P. Hochachka ; co-aut. T. Mommsen
Ligado a: Buffered salt solutions, culture media and tissue homogenization buffersLigado a: Analyzing phosphatidylinositol cycling and protein kinase c involvementLigado a: Ca2+ transport across plasma membranesLigado a: Metabolite transport in fish red blood cells and hepatocytesLigado a: Analysis of enzyme regulation via reversible phosphorylation and enzyme binding interactions with macromoleculesLigado a: In vivo nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy of aquatic animalsLigado a: Bolus - injection of radiolabels in the study of steady state glucose metabolismLigado a: Developing an elisa for a model protein - vitellogeninLigado a: Hormone measurement by elisa : application to fish gonadotrophinLigado a: Radioimmunoassay of fish growth hormone, prolactin, and somatolactinLigado a: Development of radiommunoassay for a model peptide hormone : insulinLigado a: Incorporation of 35 s-sulfate into branchial cartilage : a biological model to study hormonal regulation of skeletal ...Ligado a: Use of membrane vesicle techniques to characterize nutrient transport processes of the teleost gastrointestinal tractLigado a: Peroxisomes and peroxisomal b-oxidationLigado a: Fish mitochondriaLigado a: Membrane preparation and receptor assay - adenosineLigado a: Membrane, cell preparation and receptor assay - catecholaminesLigado a: Steroid receptors in fish : membrane and intracellular preparationsLigado a: Thyroid hormone : deiodinase and receptor assaysLigado a: Peptide receptor assays : insulin receptorLigado a: Xenobiotics : designing an in vitro system to study enzymes and metabolismLigado a: Measurement of intracellular calcium in fish liver cellsLigado a: Measurement of intracellular ph in fish hepatocytesLigado a: Perifusion of hepatocytesLigado a: Organ culture of fish tissuesLigado a: Hepatocytes : isolation, maintenance and utilizationLigado a: In vitro culture of fishleukocytesLigado a: Isolation and culture of head kidney macrophagesLigado a: Enzymes of lipogenesisLigado a: Adipose tissueLigado a: OogenesisLigado a: Isolated cardiac myocytesLigado a: Primary culture of rainbow trout corpuscles of stanniusLigado a: Tests cells : isolation and cultureLigado a: Isolation of gill cellsLigado a: Opercular membranes and skinLigado a: Photophores : the analysis of bioluminescent systemsLigado a: Teleost pituitary cells : isolation, culture and useLigado a: Isolated reteLigado a: Perifusion of pancreatic endocrine tissue of teleost fishLigado a: Perifusion of pancreatic isletsLigado a: Extracorporeal circulationLigado a: Cell lines : availability, propagation and isolationLigado a: Methods for assessing kidney and urinary bladder function in fishLigado a: Isolated perfused fish heartsLigado a: Intact and demembranated muscle fibresLigado a: Techniques for recording from electric organsLigado a: Injection techniquesLigado a: HepatectomyLigado a: Microsurgery : gonadectomyLigado a: Surgical extirpation of the stannius corpuscles : stanniectomyLigado a: Hypophysectomy of fishLigado a: Surgery : selective isle removal and total pancreatectomyLigado a: Cannulation techniquesLigado a: AnaestheticsPublicação: Amsterdam : Elsevier, 1994Descrição: 700 p.Assunto - Nome comum: Etologia Classificação: 2400 - Psicologia Experimental Animal / Psicologia Comparativa Recursos em linha:Clicar aqui para aceder online Tipo de documento:Tipo de documento | Biblioteca | Cota | Estado | Data de devolução | Código de barras | |
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Biblioteca ISPA | ET RESERVADO | Disponível | 9592 |
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