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Foundations of animal behavior : classic papers with comentaries / compil. Lynne Houck ; co-aut. Lee Drickamer
Ligado a: Logic of animal conflictLigado a: Parental investment and sexual selectionLigado a: Evolution of mating systems in birds and mammalsLigado a: Genetical evolution of social behaviour. iLigado a: Egg shell removal by the black-headed gull, larus ridibundus l. : a behaviour component of camouflageLigado a: Adaptations in the kittiwake to cliff-nestingLigado a: Evolution of prey-carrying mechanisms in waspsLigado a: Evolution of behaviorLigado a: Logical analysis of animal communicationLigado a: Chemical communication among animalsLigado a: Guidepost of migrating fishesLigado a: Detection and evasion of bats by mothsLigado a: Sensory basis of obstacle avoidance by flying batsLigado a: Language and orientation of the honey beeLigado a: Sensory processes, orientation, and communicationLigado a: Energy models of motivationLigado a: Hunger in the blowflyLigado a: Organizing action of prenatally administered testosterone propionate on the tissues mediating mating behavior in the ...Ligado a: Effects of different concentrations of androgen upon sexual behavior in castrated male ratsLigado a: Interaction between internal and external environments in the regulation of the reproductive cycle of the ring doveLigado a: Menstrual synchrony and suppressionLigado a: Exogenous and endogenous components in circadian rhythmsLigado a: Relations between the central nervous system and the peripheral organsLigado a: Hierarchical organization of nervous mechanisms underlying instinctive behaviourLigado a: Neural and hormonal mechanisms of behavior : physiological causes and consequencesLigado a: Affectional responses in the infant monkeyLigado a: Relation of cue to consequence in avoidance learningLigado a: Experimental studies of mimicry in some north american butterfliesLigado a: Genetic control of the neuronal network generating cricket - teleogryllus gryllus - song patternsLigado a: Gene mutation which changes a behavior patternLigado a: Prenatal behavior of birdsLigado a: Appetites and aversions as constituents of instinctsLigado a: Development and learningLigado a: Comparative methods and the concept of homology in the study of behaviourLigado a: Quantitative comparison of the behaviour of a wild and a caged baboon groupLigado a: Observational study of behavior : sampling methodsLigado a: Describing sequences of behaviorLigado a: Ethological units of behaviorLigado a: Aims and methods of ethologyLigado a: Critique of konrad lorenz's theory of instictive behaviorLigado a: Emerging science : defining the goals, approaches, and methodsLigado a: Historical origins : the making of a sciencePublicação: Chicago : Chicago, 1996Descrição: 843 p.Assunto - Nome comum: Etologia Classificação: 2400 - Psicologia Experimental Animal / Psicologia Comparativa Recursos em linha:Clicar aqui para aceder online Tipo de documento:Tipo de documento | Biblioteca | Cota | Estado | Data de devolução | Código de barras | |
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Biblioteca ISPA | ET HOUC1 | Disponível | 9616 |
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