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The truth is never pure and rarely simple: understanding the role of repetition and processing fluency on the illusion of truth efffect (Registo nº 1059)
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000 -Etiqueta do registo | |
Cabeçalho | 04326nam a2200277 4500 |
001 - Identificador do registo | |
Campo de controlo | 1059 |
090 ## - System Control Numbers (Koha) | |
Koha biblioitem number (autogenerated) | 1059 |
100 ## - Dados gerais de processamento | |
Dados gerais de processamento | 20160318d2014 k y0pory5003 ba |
101 0# - Língua de publicação | |
Língua do texto, banda sonora, etc. | Inglês |
102 ## - Pais de publicação ou produção | |
País de publicação | Portugal |
200 1# - Titulo e menção de responsabilidade | |
Título próprio | The truth is never pure and rarely simple: understanding the role of repetition and processing fluency on the illusion of truth efffect |
Primeira menção de responsabilidade | Rita Rocha da Silva |
210 ## - Publicação, Distribuição, etc. | |
Lugar da edição, distribuição, etc. | Lisboa |
Nome do editor, distribuidor, etc. | ISPA - Instituto Universitário |
Data da publicação, distribuição, etc. | 2014 |
215 ## - Descrição física | |
Indicação específica da natureza do documento e extensão da espécie | 170 p. |
328 ## - Nota de dissertação ou tese | |
Texto da nota | <Tese de Doutoramento> em <Psicologia>, na especialidade de <Psicologia Cognitiva> apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada, sob a orientação do(a) Prof(ª). Dr(a). <Teresa Garcia-Marques> |
330 ## - Sumário ou Resumo | |
Texto da nota | ABSTRACT:Repetition seems to increase the truth-value of information, generating the illusion thatrepeated statements are more valid than things we never heard or read before ? the illusion oftruth effect. The present thesis aims at providing further and clearer understanding of ?why?and ?how? we base the important decision of something we hear being true rather than falseon repetition. We review the literature evidencing repetition?s impact on judgments of truthand the major cognitive mechanisms that have been proposed to explain it. The first studiesinvestigating the mechanisms underlying the effect show that subjective familiarity is moreimportant than actual frequency of exposure. These approaches further suggested that theautomatic memory component of Familiarity has a rather involuntary impact in truthjudgments, and is the one supporting illusions of truth when the controlled Recollectionprocess is impaired. A next approach showed that processing fluency experiences promotedby factors unrelated to previous exposure and memory are sufficient to generate illusions oftruth. The first accounts suggesting processing fluency to be the process underlying the trutheffect maintained the idea that the feelings of familiarity mediate fluency effects on judgedtruth. However, a more recent approach argues that fluency is an ecologically valid cue fortruth, and thus fluency per se directly influences truth judgments, with no need for memoryattributions. Drawing from this previous body of knowledge, we pose the question of whetherthere is something special in the relation repetition has with truth. Some evidence in theliterature may suggest so, for example, the fact that illusions of truth have a higher magnitudewhen they are induced by repetition than when other fluency sources are used. Additionally,repetition has the unique characteristic of aggregating both perceptual and conceptual fluency,which may add an ?extra? layer to the association with truth. Exploring these questions, wepresent three independent papers exploring the differences that may exist between repetitionand other factors also able to impact truth judgments, and the relevance that repetition?sunique characteristics may have in the shaping of the truth effect. In the first paper wedemonstrate that the association of repetition with truth is more difficult to reverse than whenpure perceptual fluency (e.g., color contrast) is manipulated, and that the confounds betweenthe processing experiences and resulting effects on truth judgments the two variables promotecan be dissociated. In the second and third papers, we isolate the conceptual and perceptualcomponents involved in repetition, showing that conceptual overlap (a match in the contentand meaning) takes precedence over the sharing of perceptual features in the generation ofillusions of truth. Only when individuals no longer can access the specific meaning of whatwas previously presented do perceptual fluency effects emerge. We discuss how our findingsintegrate and expand what was previously known about judgments of truth, addressing thecontributions and clarifications they bring to the main cognitive mechanisms that have beenproposed to explain the effect. |
606 1# - Nome comum usado como assunto | |
Palavra de ordem | Teses de Doutoramento |
606 1# - Nome comum usado como assunto | |
Palavra de ordem | Psicologia Cognitiva |
606 1# - Nome comum usado como assunto | |
Palavra de ordem | Ilusão de verdade |
606 1# - Nome comum usado como assunto | |
Palavra de ordem | Repetição |
606 1# - Nome comum usado como assunto | |
Palavra de ordem | Familiaridade |
606 1# - Nome comum usado como assunto | |
Palavra de ordem | Fluência de processamento |
686 ## - Outras classificações numéricas | |
Notação | 1110 - Teses de Doutoramento |
700 #1 - Nome de autor-pessoa física (responsabilidade principal) | |
Palavra de ordem | Silva |
Outra parte do nome não tomada para palavra de ordem | Rita Rocha da |
856 4# - Localização e acesso electrónico | |
URL | <a href=""></a> |
856 4# - Localização e acesso electrónico | |
URL | <a href=""></a> |
Situação do extravio | Data de aquisição | Coleção temática | Biblioteca de aquisição | Biblioteca de empréstimo | Código de barras | Número de Inventário | Cota | Fim da data de empréstimo | Permissão de empréstimo | Tipo de documento |
01.09.2023 | Teses de Doutoramento | Biblioteca ISPA | Biblioteca ISPA | 19670 | 19670 | TES SILV/R1 | 01.09.2023 | Emprestável | Teses de Doutoramento |